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Five for Friday: 25 June 2021

Five for Friday: 25 June 2021

This week's combination of resources and articles offers insights and practical resources to help you equip yourself with the skills required in these disruptive times and the Future of Work. Hands off my lunch break (AKA making culture visible and better). Read more...

Throw Forward Thursday 7: Farming

TRANSCIPT It's Throw Forward Thursday, and let's talk just a little bit about farming. The picture that most of us have of farming right now is big, sprawling estates far away from the city where the food is grown. And then there is some kind of harvesting process....

Five for Friday: 18 June 2021

Five for Friday: 18 June 2021

This week's combination of resources and articles offers insights and practical resources to help you equip yourself with the skills required in these disruptive times and the Future of Work. Three Secrets to Making Organizational Changes Stick - Zanele Njapha's...

Throw Forward Thursday 6: Energy

TRANSCIPT It's Throw forward Thursday, the day that we look ahead at the future and see what's going to happen. Look around here, look around the room that you're in right now, you do it. Every single thing that you can see has required energy to get it to your room,...

Tuesday Tip: Bringing Meaning to What it is We Do

Tuesday Tip: Bringing Meaning to What it is We Do

This Tuesday Tip may or may not ‘solve a problem’. It also might appear to be a bit of a ‘ramble’…so bear with me. It won’t take much of your time but might prove to be very significant. That would be my hope at least. Background: Many years ago (I don’t recall where)...

Five for Friday: 11 June 2021

Five for Friday: 11 June 2021

This week's combination of resources and articles offers insights and practical resources to help you equip yourself with the skills required in these disruptive times and the Future of Work. The Future of Personal Branding on Future-Fit Fridays Episode 29. You can...

Five for Friday: 4 June 2021

Five for Friday: 4 June 2021

This week's combination of resources and articles offers insights and practical resources to help you equip yourself with the skills required in these disruptive times and the Future of Work.   Virtual Meeting Ice Breakers: Watch the short video to explore a few...

Throw Forward Thursday: Deep Fakes

TRANSCIPT It's Throw Forward Thursday again, and my name is Graham Codrington. This is our weekly look at the future today, we're not throwing forward that far because we're talking about deep fakes. You all know what Photoshop is, right? You all know that we now have...

Five for Friday: 28 May 2021

Five for Friday: 28 May 2021

This week's combination of resources and articles offers insights and practical resources to help you equip yourself with the skills required in these disruptive times and the Future of Work.   Career Moves Made with Confidence: Helping you Confidently make your...

Virtual Team Meeting Ice Breakers

How to run awesome virtual meetings workshop Get all the TOOLS, TIPS and TECHNIQUES to keep your meetings productive and fun. TRANSCIPT Sometimes when you and your team are meeting virtually you just want to be in, get the job done, get out of that meeting and...

Tuesday Tip: Career Moves Made with Confidence

Tuesday Tip: Career Moves Made with Confidence

Please be honest… Were you one of those people who said 2021 was the year for your Career Move? Or did you find this happening, without it being something you had intended? According to the US Bureau of Labour Statistics (2019), the average professional occupies an...

Five for Friday: 21 May 2021

Five for Friday: 21 May 2021

This week's combination of resources and articles offers insights and practical resources to help you equip yourself with the skills required in these disruptive times and the Future of Work. Tuesday Tip: The Power of Storytelling in the New World of Work. Read how...


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