Keith Coats on Adaptive Intelligence and why he believes it's more important than business efficiency. [2min Video] Microsoft's CEO Knows How to Run a Meeting. Here's How He Does It [ article] How to get your team to track future teams [Graeme Codrington]...
Our Blog
Video 1: Cracking the unlearning code
Organisations that do not unlearn will be a mere memory in the coming years. When your business models get disrupted, organisations must push back by unlearning, learning and relearning. Book our team now to set your organisation up for a...
Tuesday Tip: How to get your team to track future trends
We had a lot of people clicking through the link we sent out last Friday on Why trend spotting is crucial to staying ahead and so it made sense to us that today's insights from our team look at how you can get your team to track the future trends that will potentially...
5 for Friday – 25th October
Cracking the unlearning code (Video from Zanele Njapha)Why trend-spotting is crucial to staying ahead (Duke CE article)YMCA175 Keynote Speech (Video - Graeme Codrington)21 Jobs of the Future (External article)Sign up for our free 7 part video series on the 4th...
Cracking the unlearning code
The organisations that are still in existence after years of industrial disruption and those that will be standing in the next twenty plus years are those that were able to adapt and respond confidently to disruption. When organisations build learning, unlearning and...
5 for Friday – 18th October
Here are our teams top 5 for Friday! Dramatically improve your next presentation by telling a better story [Graeme Codrington] Stanford psychology expert: This is the No. 1 work skill of the future—but most fail to realize it [External article] The South African...
The South African Rollercoaster – we need your help
A 60-minute insightful, realistic and energising presentation.
The Book I am Reading This Week
Leadership: Essential Writings By Our Greatest Thinkers - edited by Elizabeth D. Samet This is an anthology that brings together a rich array of insights, stories and perspectives on the subject of leadership. Elizabeth Samet, an award winning author (Soldier’s Heart...
Tuesday Tip: Dramatically improve your next presentation by telling a better story
I am sure you’ve sat through many boring presentations in your time. And hopefully a few really good ones too. With TED videos, Goalcast and viral YouTube videos showing us everyday what’s possible, there are now no excuses for bad and boring presentations, and every...
Graeme Codrington in the media
Over the past few weeks and months, Graeme has been referenced a number of times in the media, and there have been reports on some events he's spoken at. These are great summaries of the work we do, and you will find the write-ups helpful: Graeme speaking at the YMCA...
5 for Friday – 4 October
A mindset of constant upgrades: 3-Minute Video. [Graeme Codrington] Why It Is Critical to Prepare Now for The Jobs of Tomorrow [External article from] 7 Boardroom challenges to ensure a future-fit organisation [Keith Coats] The 10 Vital Skills You Will Need...
Why Are Facebook Entering The Blockchain Space?
A high level summary of Facebook’s cryptocurrency project, Libra - along with an explanation as to why they did it. I’m quite sure you’ve heard of Facebook’s Libra project. A cryptocurrency created, developed and launched by the world’s largest Social Media company....
Tuesday Tip: 7 Boardroom Challenges To Ensure a Future-fit Organisation
There can be no greater strategic imperative for any business or corporation than to be ‘future-fit’. By ‘future-fit’ I mean, ‘ready, relevant and well-positioned for the context and market of tomorrow’. It is the readiness to see and respond to both the threat and...
5 for Friday – 13 September
8 Skills for the Future of Work - 12-Minute Video from our recent showcase.[Graeme Codrington] How to prosper with disruption in your life - The story of a cancer slayer [Dean van Leeuwen] The Best CEOs Have Mastered the Art of Learning. Here's One Technique They All...
What the Fourth Industrial Revolution practically means for you and me
Last week Tuesday we sent out the first video in our 7 part mini-series where we started to look at what the Fourth Industrial Revolution actually is. This week we look at what the Fourth Industrial Revolution practically means for you and me - in...
What the Fourth Industrial Revolution really means for you.
The “Fourth Industrial Revolution” is fast becoming a meaningless cliche. Together with the team of futurists at TomorrowToday, we can help you make sense of it - and use the power of “4IR” to improve your life and work. We’re so passionate about helping you succeed...
Recommended Futurist Podcasts
Yesterday, I pointed you to a list of online MOOCs. Today, I want to suggest a list of really good futurist podcasts, put together by Feedspot. See it here: To their list, I would also add the following: Exponential View...
400 free Ivy League university courses you can take online in 2019
Quartz magazine recently provided a fantastic list of MOOCs (massive open online courses) that are currently being offered online to any participants, by US Ivy League universities/colleges. Access the full list here:...
Some of our Courses
Watch The Future: Mini Series
10 Powerful Phrases
Healthy Hybrid Teams Checklist
4 Ways to Survive Deep Disruptive Change