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5 for Friday

5 for Friday

Keith Coats on Adaptive Intelligence and why he believes it's more important than business efficiency. [2min Video] Microsoft's CEO Knows How to Run a Meeting. Here's How He Does It [Inc.com article] How to get your team to track future teams [Graeme Codrington]...

Video 1: Cracking the unlearning code

Video 1: Cracking the unlearning code

Organisations that do not unlearn will be a mere memory in the coming years. When your business models get disrupted, organisations must push back by unlearning, learning and relearning. https://youtu.be/fduyq8I-8Gc Book our team now to set your organisation up for a...

5 for Friday – 25th October

5 for Friday – 25th October

Cracking the unlearning code (Video from Zanele Njapha)Why trend-spotting is crucial to staying ahead (Duke CE article)YMCA175 Keynote Speech (Video - Graeme Codrington)21 Jobs of the Future (External article)Sign up for our free 7 part video series on the 4th...

5 for Friday – 18th October

5 for Friday – 18th October

Here are our teams top 5 for Friday! Dramatically improve your next presentation by telling a better story [Graeme Codrington] Stanford psychology expert: This is the No. 1 work skill of the future—but most fail to realize it [External article] The South African...

The Book I am Reading This Week

The Book I am Reading This Week

Leadership: Essential Writings By Our Greatest Thinkers - edited by Elizabeth D. Samet This is an anthology that brings together a rich array of insights, stories and perspectives on the subject of leadership. Elizabeth Samet, an award winning author (Soldier’s Heart...

5 for Friday – 4 October

5 for Friday – 4 October

A mindset of constant upgrades:  3-Minute Video. [Graeme Codrington] Why It Is Critical to Prepare Now for The Jobs of Tomorrow [External article from Inc.com] 7 Boardroom challenges to ensure a future-fit organisation [Keith Coats] The 10 Vital Skills You Will Need...

5 for Friday – 13 September

5 for Friday – 13 September

8 Skills for the Future of Work - 12-Minute Video from our recent showcase.[Graeme Codrington] How to prosper with disruption in your life - The story of a cancer slayer [Dean van Leeuwen] The Best CEOs Have Mastered the Art of Learning. Here's One Technique They All...

Recommended Futurist Podcasts

Recommended Futurist Podcasts

Yesterday, I pointed you to a list of online MOOCs. Today, I want to suggest a list of really good futurist podcasts, put together by Feedspot. See it here: https://blog.feedspot.com/futurist_podcasts/ To their list, I would also add the following: Exponential View...


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