This week’s combination of resources and articles offers insights and practical resources to help you equip yourself with the skills required in these disruptive times, as well as for the Future of Work.


Unleashing Your Greatness 

In his presentation titled “Unleashing Your Greatness,” Buhle Dlamini takes you on a deep dive into the concept of unleashing your true potential, your greatness. This process not only benefits individuals but also teams striving for success. We all possess untapped potential, and this presentation is your guide to harnessing your potential to the fullest.

Get in touch with us to book this keynote for your team or organisation. Buhle delivers virtually and also travels between North America and South Africa for in-person events. (He is currently in South Africa for the next week in case you have any last-minute requests.)


ThrowForward Thursday: Chatbot sued by owner.

A company is suing its own AI Chatbot for giving incorrect information and bad advice to its customers. Yes, you read that right!

In Graeme’s latest episode of ThrowForward Thursday, he discusses Air Canada’s AI mishap and what it means for the future of customer interaction. Trust us, it’s a wake-up call worth listening to! Watch here and learn from Air Canada’s mistake.


Thinking Like a Futurist.

Thinking and leading like a futurist, especially for business leaders, is not about having access to a crystal ball, or about coming up with wild projections about the distant future.

It is about being able to spot the trends that are already shaping the world, and confidently predict how these will create threats and opportunities, within the next business planning cycle.

Read Keith’s article on what it means to think like a futurist and why it’s so important. If you would like to learn more about how to ‘Think like a Futurist’ and how to ensure your team are also thinking this way, please get in touch. We’d love to have that conversation with you.


True Sustainability: Moving Big Business Beyond the Green Facade.

By acknowledging and addressing our environmental impact, corporations can avoid contributing to a legacy of ecological damage and instead be part of a collective movement towards sustainability, resilience and a world of innovation and opportunities.

The stark reality is that without a sincere commitment to true sustainability—where actions match words—businesses jeopardise not only the future of their operations but the future of our planet.

We must embrace sustainable practices, building on the inspiring solutions already evident, while fostering innovation to navigate these challenges and secure a resilient future for our planet. The challenge is daunting, but the opportunity to forge a resilient, sustainable future is within our grasp. Read more about our partnership with 1% for the Planet, who are working hard to help businesses take responsibility and give back for the use of our planet’s resources.


Unlearning and Rethinking – Think Again by Adam Grant.

Intelligence is usually seen as the ability to think and learn, but in a rapidly changing world, there’s another set of cognitive skills that might matter more: the ability to rethink and unlearn. Adam Grant’s book ‘Think Again’ encourages us to unlearn, to rethink and as futurists, this is a fundamental component of what we do and how we help our clients.

Graeme Codrington recently broke down 10 key points from Grant’s book, including embracing being wrong, seeking challenges to your thoughts, practicing active open-mindedness and building a learning culture in your workplaces.

If you’d like to book a workshop or client session with Graeme on Unlearning and Rethinking, you can contact us here. And if you want to get your hands on Adam Grant’s ‘Think Again’ then click here.


You’re welcome to contact us for more information on how we can help your team face the future with confidence.

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