My very own personal 'Barrie Bramley infographic'
Infographics in my opinion are items that fall under the category 'things we should have been using to present data 400 years ago'. How my world of education would have been different if I'd had more of them to study from! Flying home on Friday I read about
My very own personal ‘Barrie Bramley infographic’
Infographics in my opinion are items that fall under the category 'things we should have been using to present data 400 years ago'. How my world of education would have been different if I'd had more of them to study from! Flying home on Friday I read about
Happy Birthday Madiba – 93 years old today
Today is Nelson Mandela's Birthday. 93 years old. The only person that the United Nations has dedicated a day to. 18 July is known as Nelson Mandela International Day. How does one even begin to reflect on who he is, what he stands for and what he means to millions...
A powerful example of how technology is changing the retail industry
I love it when clever people come up with simple ideas that change the way the world works. This example we will look at today is a subway advertisement that turned a South Korean subway into a supermarket. The execucution is so simple. Life size banners that display...
My Public Apology to Chris Anderson
This is a formal and public apology to Chris Anderson. Chris has a sense of humour, and I got caught out. Chris is one of the main drivers behind TED, and he's also a co-author of The Email Charter. A week or so ago I followed a link to The Email Charter, The Email...
What women want – The future of leadership
A few years ago, I reflected on an article in the February 2004 fast Company magazine about why women have not rushed into the top bosses positions. In the last few years, that reflection has not changed. Women still have a lot of work to do to influence the culture...
Unimaginable Clarity
It is often the case that highly sophisticated knowledge exists long before it's significance in a broader context begins to resonate and be acted upon. There lies enormous brilliance hidden in cross fertilizing knowledge; a conscious effort to rethink our strategies...
Organic Strategies Drive Thicker Value
Organic food is the fastest growing sector in the food marketplace, growing at a rate of 17-20% per year versus 2-3% for conventional foods. The demand for authentic food has been on the rise for many years primarily driven by growing concerns for personal well being...
The New World of Work – Utopia for Women?
Our mothers, grandmothers and great-grandmothers fought hard for us. The equalities gained by the feminist movement have resulted in a steady rise in the proportion of women working in the UK; 70% at the last count. However, all is not rosy in the world of work for...
The Talent Exodus still looms large
Last year, I wrote on our South African sister company's blog about a looming talent exodus. Nothing has happened in the preceding twelve months to change my mind. The recession is going to last longer than I thought it would (at least in Europe and the USA), but what...
Kaiser Chiefs new album takes a step up in social business
UK Indie Rock band, The Kaiser Chiefs, have taken a step up in the social business world with their latest album, The Future is Medieval. They've made twenty tracks available to their fans. You listen to the tracks and select ten of them, and order them, for your own...
Kaiser Chiefs new album takes a step up in social business
UK Indie Rock band, The Kaiser Chiefs, have taken a step up in the social business world with their latest album, The Future is Medieval. They've made twenty tracks available to their fans. You listen to the tracks and select ten of them, and order them, for your own...
Talent Assessment – is this really the best we can do?
Every now and then, as we do, I ask Google to fetch me some interesting stuff to look at and ponder. Last week, the topic on my mind was, Talent Assessment? Was anyone doing anything interesting with it? The short answer, in my opinion, NO! Here's my Google Search...
A recovery can’t fix everything that’s broken
In a recent Harvard Business Review blog, Umair Haque (author of The New Capitalist Manifesto: Building a Disruptively Better Business - buy it at, or wrote a provocative piece. I agree with his underlying premise: the economy...
Rethinking Capitalism – paring profits with purpose
Michael Porter, the Harvard Business School strategy guru says that strategies of the future will be led by companies that serve communities and understand the deep underlying needs of the communities that buy their products. Coined Creating Shared Value (CSV) by...
Seth Godin on the free-gap
In his daily blog entry today, Seth Godin provides an amazingly insightful analysis of what he calls the "free-gap". Many of us who produce intellectual capital for a living (authors, speakers, consultants, but also musicians, artists and the like) battle to find the...
Seth Godin on the free-gap
In his daily blog entry today, Seth Godin provides an amazingly insightful analysis of what he calls the "free-gap". Many of us who produce intellectual capital for a living (authors, speakers, consultants, but also musicians, artists and the like) battle to find the...
10 recommendations for a 100% renewal future
The WWF in collaboration with Ecofys has created a brilliant report presenting a provocative scenario, set in 2050, of a world run entirely on renewable energy resulting in incredible global cost savings and improved standards of living. By 2050, we could get all the...
Technology’s influence on our performance in the new world of work – part 1
The illiterate if the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn Alvin Toffler I think Toffler's words are insightful and profound; and I agree with him. According to Donald Tapscott,author of Growing Up...
Technology's influence on our performance in the new world of work – part 1
The illiterate if the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn Alvin Toffler I think Toffler's words are insightful and profound; and I agree with him. According to Donald Tapscott,author of Growing Up...