Tuesday Tip: Getting your team to ‘think like a futurist’ – to see the bigger picture
The problem: All too often team meetings become routine, centred on the usual operational issues and well…a little boring. The need to get our team members to (what we in TomorrowToday call), ‘look out the window’, to see the bigger picture. To think about what...
Build the Future Now
How to keep and engage your customers – and staff – in a world of digital integration.
Build the Future Now
How to keep and engage your customers – and staff – in a world of digital integration.
Millennials: Motivated by meaningfulness and Impact
In my book Quest: Competitive advantage and the Art of Leadership in the 21st Century, chapter 2 tells the story of the millennial generation being a generation of questers on steroids. This generation is driven by having a positive social impact on communities around...
Millennials: Motivated by meaningfulness and Impact
In my book Quest: Competitive advantage and the Art of Leadership in the 21st Century, chapter 2 tells the story of the millennial generation being a generation of questers on steroids. This generation is driven by having a positive social impact on communities around...
Technology that will change our lives in the next 20 years
I am a futurist. Or a futurologist, if you prefer. When I am introduced by this title, I often get inquisitive looks and furrowed brows as people ask, "what's that?" Simply stated, futurists tracks trends, analyse data related to innovations and changes in markets, as...
Technology that will change our lives in the next 20 years
I am a futurist. Or a futurologist, if you prefer. When I am introduced by this title, I often get inquisitive looks and furrowed brows as people ask, "what's that?" Simply stated, futurists tracks trends, analyse data related to innovations and changes in markets, as...
As predicted – no load shedding for the foreseeable future
This time last year, South Africa was in the midst of an energy supply crisis, with rolling blackouts (called 'loadshedding') and a completely unreliable electricity grid. Our team at TomorrowToday made a bold prediction: the problem would last just the one winter and...
Donald Trump and BREXIT prove it’s never been easier to challenge the impossible. So why aren’t you?
At just past midnight (GMT), on the 20th July, Donald Trump clinched the Republican nomination for US president. When Donald Trump announced his intention to run for president, many people dismissed his candidacy as a joke. Seems that Trump is having the last laugh...
Tuesday Tips: Where to go to see the future
The Problem: I know I need to look at the future, but where should I go for my information? Before we answer the question, let’s be clear about why we need to do this. Everyone needs to be future-focused these days - we cannot leave this to a small team in our...
Our latest podcast episode is live
This month's podcast looks at the latest Pokemon craze and specifically addresses why technology like augmented reality and virtual reality is going to change our world as we know it. (And no, it's not because everyone is now out looking for Pokemons! There are of...
Elon Musk’s Top Secret Masterplan: Part 2
Markets reacted positively yesterday to Elon Musk's tweet that he would reveal a second Top Secret Masterplan for Tesla this week. Shares for Tesla Motors responded strongly and closed 4% up. Here's why. Elon Musk is a quester leader. His quests have inspired NASA to...
Elon Musk’s Top Secret Masterplan: Part 2
Markets reacted positively yesterday to Elon Musk's tweet that he would reveal a second Top Secret Masterplan for Tesla this week. Shares for Tesla Motors responded strongly and closed 4% up. Here's why. Elon Musk is a quester leader. His quests have inspired NASA to...
How to spend $49 and be the coolest parent in the world
3D printing offers much promise. It is also full of hype as are most fledgling technologies. The promise is phenomenal: printed body parts, printed houses, printed food, printed cars etc. The most exciting news is how accessible this technology has become to the mass...
Blue Marble: Young, Urban, Wired and Hot.
On 7th December 1972, Apollo 17 astronaut, Jack Schmitt took a picture of the earth from 45 000km that has become known as Blue Marble. It was a remarkable picture of the planet and one that captured the imagination of most. It has been said to be the most reproduced...
Blue Marble: Young, Urban, Wired and Hot.
On 7th December 1972, Apollo 17 astronaut, Jack Schmitt took a picture of the earth from 45 000km that has become known as Blue Marble. It was a remarkable picture of the planet and one that captured the imagination of most. It has been said to be the most reproduced...
How will we feed 10 billion people by 2050?
By 2050 nearly 10 billion people will inhabit our blue planet and it will take 100 billion land animals to provide them with enough meat, dairy, eggs and leather goods. Maintaining this herd in terms of space, water, biowaste and feed will take a huge, potentially...
How will we feed 10 billion people by 2050?
By 2050 nearly 10 billion people will inhabit our blue planet and it will take 100 billion land animals to provide them with enough meat, dairy, eggs and leather goods. Maintaining this herd in terms of space, water, biowaste and feed will take a huge, potentially...
What is the fuss about Artificial Intelligence? And what does it mean for me – TODAY?
The technology and business media have published a number of articles dealing with Artificial Intelligence (AI) over the past several months. But, what does it all mean? It sounds like another one of those science fiction things that people with funny “propellor hats”...
Migrants, economic meltdown or boon?
Demographics is the quantifiable study of populations based on factors such as age, race, sex, economic status, level of education, income level and employment, among others. It is typically one of the slower moving forces of change but as we look to the near future,...