5 Articles or resources that the TomorrowToday team believe will help you face the future with confidence. Owning your contribution. [Tamryn Batcheller-Adams] Nine skills you should learn that pay off forever. [External article] Story Cards - Using pictures to form...
Our Blog
Dealing with dissatisfaction
Very often I find myself listening to people talking about their levels of dissatisfaction. Dissatisfaction in their work environments, work relationships, personal lives and even marriages. What always takes me by surprise is how long people spend in states of...
Story Cards – Using pictures to form the words
How our team use Story Cards to contribute to deeper and richer conversations within teams and organisations. The Problem: My team just don’t seem to engage in a manner and to a level that I would like and would expect. Our conversations lack the ‘creative spark’ that...
9 techniques to improve your creative thinking abilities
9 techniques to improve your creative thinking abilities
Tuesday Tip: Changing Our Minds
Changing Our Minds: A problem, and a starting point of a solution We have a problem: our social media platforms are a rancid mess of shouty arguments, abusive interactions and hot-headed debates that go nowhere. In the 2020s we are going to have to get much...
Upcoming public events
Graeme will be involved with the following public events in August. Click through the links for more information or to book your tickets... 1 August, Joburg: More Human than ever before in the 4th Industrial Revolution Understand what the 4th Industrial Revolution is,...
5 for Friday – 19 July
Here are our teams top 5 for Friday! How the world has changed for the better as a result of the moon landing that happened 50 years ago today. [3-minute podcast - Graeme Codrington with Bruce Whitfield, 702] 6 Signs You're Adaptable Enough to Succeed. [Inc...
What Keith’s been reading this week (17 July)
Fierce Conversations by Susan Scott Needing to prepare for a series of workshops TomorrowToday is delivering for Boeing in August, this book is proving to be helpful. One of the workshops is on executive communication and Scott's book is providing some useful and...
Better Than Free Food
In a talent scarce and innovation critical world companies inspired by the likes of Google are stretching far and wide to out-perk one another in an attempt to attract and retain the best talent. Whilst the Michelin-Star chefs and nap pods are great, creating an...
The 3 things great leaders do to drive an innovative culture
Studies reveal that fewer than 20% of leaders have a strong sense of their own and team’s purpose. Even fewer can distil their purpose into an outcome-focused, action-oriented statement. Some leaders are able to clearly articulate their organization’s mission: Think...
What Keith is reading this week
A book that our colleague Keith Coats has recently read (and recommends) is Prisoners of Geography: Ten maps that tell you everything you need to know about global politics by Tim Marshall. The title instantly attracted his attention and as one of the maps concerns...
Blind spots
In spite of what we may think, the group of people we turn to when we have need to bounce an idea off, get advice or have a conversation, is usually surprisingly small. In other words, under scrutiny, our ‘inner circle’ is often far less diverse than we believe it to...
Leading in a Changing World
Leadership Lessons for Adaptive Leaders
Video – The best explanation of the Fourth Industrial Revolution ever
Graeme Codrington explains not just the Fourth, but also the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Industrial Revolutions, and why 4IR is more important and disruptive than you can imagine. A MUST WATCH VIDEO. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=okXk4Bnz2Lc&feature=youtu.
Humans are a species of moonshooters
The Apollo Programme, the actual moonshots was wonderful, inspirational and poetic. It involved great technical challenges, genuine heroism and, it brought the world together. But think about the Polynesian islander in a dug-out canoe who said let’s go that way! No...
A leadership lesson from a shoelace
Every now and then life gives us opportunity to say, “thank goodness that wasn’t me!” - understanding that but for some quirk of fate, it could so easily have been ‘me’. What is regarded as the most epic of all shoelace tumbles happened to one Nick Flynn in 2006....
Leading in a Changing World – The Updated Edition is here!
Lessons for future focused leaders Having worked on both the first edition of Leading in a Changing World and now this updated second edition, Jude thought it would be a good idea to ask Keith (KC) and Graeme (GC) to clarify a few things as to what prompted this...
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10 Powerful Phrases
Healthy Hybrid Teams Checklist
4 Ways to Survive Deep Disruptive Change