Do you have a Career Strategy? Or are you playing the ‘click my heels three times’ game? (If that reference doesn’t make sense - it’s from The Wizard of Oz ) Whether or not you have one, you’ve probably realised that it’s not enough to ‘hope’ for a career that’s...
Our Blog
5 for Friday – 19 November 2021
This week's combination of resources and articles offers insights and practical resources to help you equip yourself with the skill required in these disruptive times, as well as for the Future of Work. Future Smart Parent Podcast Episode10: Skills for the Future of...
Throwforward Thursday: Robotic Exoskeletons
TRANSCRIPT Welcome to the future. This is the Throw Forward Thursday studio. Come with me to 2026 when robotic exoskeletons are being used all around the world. A robotic exoskelet skeleton? Yes, this is an outer layer that can be put on a human being and give you a...
Tuesday Tip: Increasing Psychological Safety in Hybrid Teams
Hybrid Teams are the future, but the big question is: As a Team Leader are you ready for what this shift in the way we work means for you and your team? We have been engaging with leaders from organizations all over the world on the topic of Healthy Hybrid Teams and...
5 for Friday – 12 November 2021
This week's combination of resources and articles offers insights and practical resources to help you equip yourself with the skill required in these disruptive times, as well as for the Future of Work. Download the best Hybrid Meetings, Conferences and Events...
Tuesday Tip: Hybrid Meetings, Conferences and Events Checklist
If you're planning a meeting, conference or event in 2022, this video has three things you can do to make it the best it can be. You can also download our team's free checklist for effective hybrid meetings at We're giving this valuable...
Throwforward Thursday – No more Plastic
TRANSCIPT Welcome to the future. Welcome to the Throw Forward Thursday studio. Let's go to. Well, I'm not sure which year we're going to now because I want to talk about the end of play. Yes, I think that within my lifetime we are going to see a ban on plastic, or at...
Tuesday Tip: Planned Spontaneity
“Planned spontaneity?" An oxymoron, yes, but one of the things that we’re missing most in our teams at the moment. When we were going to the office every day and spending time in the same physical spaces as our colleagues, it was fairly easy to call a quick huddle,...
Five for Friday: 29 October 2021
This week's combination of resources and articles offers insights and practical resources to help you equip yourself with the skills required in these disruptive times and the Future of Work. Tuesday Tip: You are Not your Role – the Pivotal Career Mindset Shift that...
Throw Forward Thursday: Restaurants with No Menus (aka advanced predictive data analytics)
TRANSCRIPT Welcome to the Throw Forward Thursday studio where every week we jump into the future and find out something that might happen there. This week we are going to a restaurant in the future. In this restaurant, there are no menus because when you arrive at the...
Tuesday Tip: You are Not your Role – The Pivotal Career Mindset Shift that will Change your Life
Imagine being at a networking event online – you only know one person out of the 25 faces now staring at you.The host then looks directly at you and says “Hey! Lovely to meet you – please introduce yourself to everyone.”You swallow spit and pretend to be super calm...
Five for Friday: 22 October 2021
This week's combination of resources and articles offers insights and practical resources to help you equip yourself with the skills required in these disruptive times and the Future of Work. How to Avoid Stagnation During the “Great Resignation”. You can read the...
Throw Forward Thursday: Wind Energy Walls
TRANSCRIPT Welcome to Throw Forward Thursday. My name is Graeme Codrington. As always, we'll leap somewhere into the future, sometimes far, sometimes near to see what's happening. Last week we talked about solar panels in space, and of course, we already are very used...
Tuesday Tip: How to Avoid Stagnation During the “Great Resignation”
Chances are that you have heard of “The Great Resignation” of 2021, also known as the “Big Quit”; which is the ongoing trend of employees voluntarily leaving their jobs in response to the pandemic.The pandemic has made workers rethink their careers, work conditions...
Five for Friday: 15 October 2021
This week's combination of resources and articles offers insights and practical resources to help you equip yourself with the skills required in these disruptive times and the Future of Work. Six Enemies of Adaptability – and What to Do About Them. Read the blog post...
Throw Forward Thursday: Solar Panels in Space
TRANSCRIPT Welcome to Throw Forward Thursday. My name is Graeme Codrington, and it's Thursday, and we are going into the future. Over the last few weeks, we've been doing a mini-series on transportation. That's now over, but we're staying in space for one more week...
Five for Friday: 8 October 2021
This week's combination of resources and articles offers insights and practical resources to help you equip yourself with the skills required in these disruptive times and the Future of Work. Tuesday Tip: Only the Most Intelligent People Will Pass This Simple 5...
Throw Forward Thursday: Space Tourism
TRANSCRIPT Welcome to another edition of Throw Forward Thursday. My name is Graeme Codrington and every Thursday, sometimes Friday, depending on how the week's going, we jump into the future and find out what might happen, and if it would influence us today. We're in...
Some of our Courses
Watch The Future: Mini Series
10 Powerful Phrases
Healthy Hybrid Teams Checklist
4 Ways to Survive Deep Disruptive Change