This week’s combination of resources and articles offers insights and practical resources to help you equip yourself with the skills required in these disruptive times, as well as for the Future of Work.


Get two FREE Future Scenarios from our Strategic Imagination Toolkit

Delving into thought-provoking future scenarios can ignite discussions within your team, helping to foster not only dialogue about future possibilities but also a mindset geared towards seeking out opportunities and innovation.

Access 2 FREE future scenarios from our Strategic Imagination Toolkit designed to help you and your teams paint a picture of possible future events. A short video for extra context is included, together with a short, practical discussion guide to help you and your team explore the implications of each scenario in more detail.

Elevate your strategic planning with these thought-provoking discussions. Start navigating tomorrow’s challenges today. Grab your 2 free scenarios here! 🎯


How Cultural Intelligence Drives Collaboration and Success

In this video, Buhle discusses the ways high CQ can elevate your team’s collaboration and communication skills. Learn the key elements of CQ, from increasing knowledge about diverse cultures to understanding cultural value orientations within your team.

Key Insights:
➔ CQ Boosts Collaboration: Teams with high CQ ask the right questions and connect deeply, fostering a culture of collaboration.
➔ Cultural Knowledge Matters: Understanding the nuances of diverse cultures is the cornerstone of successful interactions.
➔ Navigating Differences: Learn how CQ helps teams navigate cultural clashes, ensuring seamless cooperation even with varied cultural value orientations.
➔ Strategic Thinking for Organisations: Explore how embracing a CQ strategy transforms decision-making, meeting dynamics, and communication, tailored to individual team members.

You can watch it here.

Buhle’s workshop on Culturally Intelligent teams is a great option for leaders wanting to go deeper on this topic within their organisations. Chat with us if you would like more information on how Buhle can assist.


ThrowForward Thursday – LAMs: Large ACTION Models and the future of smartphones

The era of conversational AI is upon us, and it’s not just about chatting anymore. ChatGPT, CoPilot, Llama, Bard, Grok, and their counterparts have laid the groundwork, showing us the power of natural language interaction with technology. But now, it’s time to take it a step further.

Rabbit R1, unveiled to considerable acclaim in December 2023, represents the pioneering steps towards devices capable of understanding user heuristics, though its full potential remains to be seen.

Watch this week’s video where Graeme discusses how businesses should already be working on which tasks could be given to LAMs (Large Action Models), building the algorithm systems to make these work seamlessly, and deciding how humans and machines will continue to become more bionic as we move into the future.


Podcast Episode: Business Unusual: Don’t Neglect Change Management

Digital transformation without change management is doomed to fail. On this episode of The Money Show, Zanele Njapha, the “Unlearning Lady” speaks to Ray White on how to ensure that change management is implemented during processes of digital transformation. Listen now and join the conversation!


‘Flextirement’ is the future of work by Neil Costa

We are living longer – not just more years, but more life, as we can be younger longer. The biggest impact of this is our need to work longer. Maybe flextirement (or as our associate, Lynda Smith, calls it: retyrement) is the answer.

According to FastCompany, flexitirement has everything to do with striking a balance between employees and employers as opposed to flipping the switch from employee to retiree. Read the article here and let us know what you think.


You’re welcome to contact us for more information on how we can partner with you. Our global team of futurists can assist through our sought after keynote presentations, facilitated workshops and strategy sessions to help you and your team face the future with confidence. Let’s start the conversation…

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