This week’s combination of resources and articles offers insights and practical resources to help you equip yourself with the skill required in these disruptive times, as well as for the Future of Work.


Angry People: A Pressing global force and one of the Grey Elephants shaping our world. While anger can very quickly turn to violence, it also has the potential to become deeply transformational. ⁠This societal surge can be a catalyst for positive change if we act wisely. Explore the insights shared in our recent article by Dean van Leeuwen and join leaders and visionaries in turning a disruptive threat into a growing opportunity.⁠ Read the full article here.

A key Russia-friendly bloc may decide to expand. Who stands to benefit? – Members of the BRICS economic group of major emerging economies are meeting this week in South Africa for a summit that could determine the future of the bloc – and how hard it pushes back against a world order it sees as unfairly dominated by the West. During this pivotal time, leaders have an unprecedented chance to mould the future. This a perfect example of one of the Grey Elephants shaping our world, labeled as “Angry People”. Read more in this CNN article here.

● We are taking a break from our regular weekly format of looking at Graeme Codrington’s News Bulletin from the Future and now learning how to think like a futurist.⁠ ⁠Here is Part 1 of a three-week mini-series sharing the work our team is doing on uncovering the most significant opportunities we are facing right now if we are prepared to deal with deep, structural change. The framework is called Grey Elephants and also aligns nicely with Dean’s article that we shared above.⁠

● Staying on the topic of learning how to think like a futurist – Our team has an opportunity for leaders to learn to harness genuine curiosity as a powerful skill for your organisation. It’s more than just asking more questions – it’s a shift in how you and your team engage with the world around you. Join Graeme Codrington and Keith Coats on their live webinar this Monday evening as together they help leaders discover 3 essential pillars to become future-focused. Sign up now.

How Opinions About Hybrid Work Differ Around the Globe – Although remote and hybrid work has been widespread for several years now, debates about the benefits and perils of these more flexible ways of working continue. A key reason is differing perspectives on how to prioritise necessary trade-offs. Read more in this Hybrid work article here.


We’d love to have a conversation with you if any of the above topics resonate. Our team continues to help our clients around the world to prepare for tomorrow, today.

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