by Keith Coats | Oct 25, 2016 | Archive, Leadership, Organisational Development
The Problem: My team have stopped learning in ways that I think will impact on our ability to thrive into the future. We seem too content, too complacent and don’t seem willing to challenge ourselves with the learning mind-set and behaviours I know we will need to be...
by Keith Coats | Oct 25, 2016 | Archive, Leadership, Organisational Development
The Problem: My team have stopped learning in ways that I think will impact on our ability to thrive into the future. We seem too content, too complacent and don’t seem willing to challenge ourselves with the learning mind-set and behaviours I know we will need to be...
by Dean van Leeuwen | Oct 4, 2016 | Archive, Change, Leadership, Organisational Development
The Challenge The rules for success in the past often don’t apply in today’s world. We’ve built business rules, procedures and policies that worked in the industrial and information age but are no longer applicable in the digital revolution. Many rules linger in our...
by Raymond de Villiers | Sep 6, 2016 | Archive, Organisational Development
One of the conversations we have with more and more of our clients is around their frustrations and difficulties related to retaining talent in the workplace. How to retain talent when they are always leaving (or never staying long enough). The Problem Effort is put...
by Graeme Codrington | Aug 22, 2016 | Archive, Leadership
Our team spends a lot of our time facilitating leadership development programmes. Companies around the world send their top people on training courses to help them step up, be more productive and become better leaders. One of the biggest complaints that delegates on...