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TomorrowTrends Podcast : Episode 8 The FinTech revolution & the future of money

TomorrowTrends Podcast : Episode 8 The FinTech revolution & the future of money

In this extended episode of nearly an hour, we focus attention on the issue of the future of money, the coming revolution of financial technologies and why we don’t change as quickly as we should.
What is a bitcoin and what can you use them for
Why we believe things are impossible and how we can overcome our unconscious bias
Book Review: Age of Discovery by Ian Goldin
Five frightening questions financial services should be asking about FinTech
Overview of TomorrowToday’s FinTech research and “future of money” services
Time: 57m:05s

[smart_track_player url=”http://oldsite.tomorrowtodayglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/Episode-8-The-Fintech-edition.mp3″ ]

The Future of Casinos

The Future of Casinos

Until a few weeks ago, the future of casinos had not been a topic of interest to me. I don't frequent casinos, and when I do go to a conference centre linked to a casino, my overwhelming feeling is of sadness seeing people sitting quietly in front of one-arm bandits...


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