Future Trends

The latest news and future trends in business

Trends to watch in 2013

Trends to watch in 2013

It's that time of year when we take stock of what has happened in the year that has flashed by, and look ahead to the year that's rushing towards us. What will it be like? Our team has some ideas based on our work looking at disruptive change and trends. The...

Why I Tweet

Why I Tweet

Yesterday marked my 10,000th tweet sent (bizarrely it was a tweet commenting on the fact that Penguin have finally joined the digital age and published my books on Kindle - 10,000 tweets, 4 years of asking, but now finally done!). I have been a member of Twitter since...

The Elevator is Out of Order

The Elevator is Out of Order

I loved Seth Godin’s post this morning, it was the validation I have craved for quite some time.  Ever since I started my own practice I have been asked “what is your elevator pitch?” to which I respond “I don’t really have one”.  And despite all of the pressure I...

Leadership Self-Awareness

Leadership Self-Awareness

I have yet to meet a leader that can effectively solve problems or conflict by way of assertion. In fact, assertion as a means to resolution is highly toxic to your organizational culture.  Assertion is like holding a beach ball under water, holding it steady is...