Keep your hands off my genes
And now an entry from the case files of the totally bleeding obvious: Yesterday the Supreme Court of the USA finally agreed - unanimously - that genes cannot be patented. In a stunning example of corporate over reach, a variety of companies involved in genetic...
Book review: Makers, The New Industrial Revolution by Chris Anderson
A few years ago, then editor of Wired magazine, Chris Anderson built a small plane out of Lego parts with his kids. After realizing that even children’s toys now come packed with advanced sensors and controls, Chris decided to start a company called 3D Robotics and...
Shifting from Social Media Connections to a Connection Economy
Social media exploded a few years ago and developed a desire amoung businesses worldwide to engage with the digital world through social media. Companies started Facebook pages, Twitter Profiles and every kind of social media profile they could think of. Blogs have...
Is it evil to avoid tax?
Google famously has the slogan “don’t be evil”. They are however embroiled in a worldwide issue - is tax avoidance evil? Not only have Google been dragged into the fray, but Apple, Amazon, Facebook, Microsoft, Starbucks and even famous individuals such as Jimmy Carr...
Your career in a new world of work
We know that the world of work is changing faster now than at any other time. Some have called it a VUCA world: volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous. Big industries and large companies are being hard hit with this turbulent change. And right in the middle of...
Your career in a new world of work
We know that the world of work is changing faster now than at any other time. Some have called it a VUCA world: volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous. Big industries and large companies are being hard hit with this turbulent change. And right in the middle of...
Technology Innovation thats changing lives
Technology is only as valuable as value that is perceived by its user. The technology that impacts the future are technologies that people adopt and use. These are the technologies to watch.There are many of these technologies on my list at the moment but I only have...
Generation Jobless: A warning to us all
The April 27th Economist ran a cover story about the ‘generation jobless’ – the global rise of youth unemployment. It is a serious concern for a number of reasons and one that could have long-lasting implications for both the global economy and political stability....
Intel’s Top 5 Tech Trends
I am sitting at a conference in Dubai, listening to one of Intel's top guys in the Middle East talking about technology disruptors that Intel expects to see in the next few years. He is listing five "technology-led tectonic shifts": Big data becomes useful (my...
Intel's Top 5 Tech Trends
I am sitting at a conference in Dubai, listening to one of Intel's top guys in the Middle East talking about technology disruptors that Intel expects to see in the next few years. He is listing five "technology-led tectonic shifts": Big data becomes useful (my...
Intel’s Top 5 Tech Trends
I am sitting at a conference in Dubai, listening to one of Intel's top guys in the Middle East talking about technology disruptors that Intel expects to see in the next few years. He is listing five "technology-led tectonic shifts": Big data becomes useful (my...
What Happens When The Plan Cannot Be Implemented?
Retail is a cut-throat, competitive and unpredictable environment, but it really isn't any different to all business because generally the rules for success are changing in all industries and markets around the world. I am just using retail as an example of how...
The Passing of an Icon
Whether you liked, loathed or are somewhere in the middle it cannot be denied that Baroness Margaret Thatcher will be known as a major figure in British history. The Britain that she took control over in 1979 was very different to the Britain that she left in 1990....
Podcast: The Customer Experience Show – Secrets of Successful Multi-Generational Work Cultures
Dean and myself were interviewed by Michelle Romanica on the Customer Experience Show on Blogtalk Radio. It was a great show, with some fascinating insights into multi-generational workplaces. The blurb of the show says: In their work, Graeme Codrington and Dean van...
Let's Change Our Perspective
Andy Braner, who is the CEO of KIVU, recently wrote a really insightful blog post entitled 'Tweet, Text or Talk', which I really enjoyed. He is talking about the effect social media is having on Generation Y in particular (but all generations). What he articulates...
Let’s Change Our Perspective
Andy Braner, who is the CEO of KIVU, recently wrote a really insightful blog post entitled 'Tweet, Text or Talk', which I really enjoyed. He is talking about the effect social media is having on Generation Y in particular (but all generations). What he articulates...
Where to find success now
Seth Godin is one of our favourite thinkers and writers. We share many of his worldviews, especially that we are living in a period of transition from the end of the industrial age to the emergence of a connection economy. In one of his most insightful blog entries,...
Where to find success now
Seth Godin is one of our favourite thinkers and writers. We share many of his worldviews, especially that we are living in a period of transition from the end of the industrial age to the emergence of a connection economy. In one of his most insightful blog entries,...
Africa: the last frontier of growth and development
As the BRICS summit is currently underway in Durban, where the leading emerging market players of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (representing sub-Saharan Africa) discuss their strategic agenda for the next five years, it might be a good time to refresh...
Africa: the last frontier of growth and development
As the BRICS summit is currently underway in Durban, where the leading emerging market players of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (representing sub-Saharan Africa) discuss their strategic agenda for the next five years, it might be a good time to refresh...