100’s of innovative ways to reinvent management. Join the management hackathon now!
How do we reinvent management & capitalism? How do we make people's jobs more inspiring and meaningful? How can companies deliver more value to society and their customers? These are just some of the questions that my colleagues and myself at TomorrowToday's...
Everything you know is wrong (Or is it?)
Here's a superb thought experiment for you and your team. What if everything you think you know is wrong? Just in case you think this is too big a thought experiment, let me tell you about an event that is shaking the scientific community - and quite possibly the...
Strikes in the UK: ‘You promised! We demand! Our children will pay!’
This coming Wednesday, possible millions of public sector workers will go on strike for 24 hours to protest against changes in their pension provisions. Many will join marches around the country (quite a few will probably also go Christmas shopping, but why not?)....
What You Don’t Do, Can Hurt You!
I full heartedly agree that we need more Courage in The C-Suite and I second Rosabeth’s call for leadership courage. Lack of courage is an invisible mistake and acts of courage are certainly not absent of fear. Furthermore, lack of failure is also an invisible...
Using Social Media To Market Your Brand: The Ups and Downs
The Twittersphere is a buzz with comments on the tweets put out my @DurexSA last week, which at best were lame and thoughtless and at worst were incredibly insulting to both men and women; and all this on the eve of 16 days of activism against violence towards women...
A Warning to Leaders: Turbulence is not the Danger
Flying into the small South African regional airport of Port Elizabeth recently I was reminded why it is I hold to the wisdom, ‘the bigger the plane the better’! As we were tossed around by the not-so-clear-air turbulence in the small twin prop plane, flying seemed so...
A Warning to Leaders: Turbulence is not the Danger
Flying into Port Elizabeth recently I was reminded why it is I hold to the wisdom, ‘the bigger the plane the better’! As we were tossed around by the not-so-clear-air turbulence in the small SAA Express plane, flying seemed so unnatural. Man was meant to walk the...
Living Up To Expectations: Understanding Generational Expectations in the Workplace
Not only are expectations subject to personal nuances, they can be further understood by looking at broad generational values that underpin behaviour. Generational Theory as originally promoted by Howe and Strauss, two Yale and Harvard trained political economists,...
Rethinking the Future of Education Workshops
Over the years TomorrowToday has had the opportunity - the privilege, to be involved in educating educators. This has been both in South Africa as well as internationally. For the past three years TomorrowToday, in partnership with Varsity College and the Principals...
Leadership in the New World of Work
One of the biggest challenges Leaders face is an understanding that the wisdom and leadership practice that has brought us to this point, is unlikely to get us to where it is we need to be in the future. The point is, that in a world of change, leadership needs to...
Making Profits with Purpose Gains Momentum
While many skeptics still battle the notion that not all profits are equal, great companies continue proving that Creating Shared Valuereaps significant enduring benefits. This movement is at front and center stage with many of our brilliant thought leaders and...
75m of us will mean death of NHS, benefits…and your dining room
This week Oxford University demographics professor David Coleman predicted that the UK's population would soar to 75 million by 2050, 15 million higher than it is today. UK co-founder Graeme Codrington has pulled off a 'first' for TomorrowToday by having his comments...
The need for Social Reinvention
One of our colleagues in South Africa, Mike Saunders, is a leading expert in digital media and the emerging world of social business. To explain what he means by this, he wrote an excellent blog entry which we're thrilled to syndicate here. When you drop a mentos mint...
Talent is About to Change – Surprising thoughts on a new world of work for talent
This post was first published in the WITS Journal, June 2011. The “Great Recession” of the past few years has been more than merely an economic downturn. As this decade unfolds it will become increasingly clear that it also acted as an accelerator for a few key trends...
Talent is About to Change – Surprising thoughts on a new world of work for talent
This post was first published in the WITS Journal, June 2011. The “Great Recession” of the past few years has been more than merely an economic downturn. As this decade unfolds it will become increasingly clear that it also acted as an accelerator for a few key trends...
What difference does one man (or woman) make?
Nelson Mandela, John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X, Sir Winston Churchill, Margaret Thatcher, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Mahatma Gandhi, Hitler, Stalin, Queen Elizabeth I, Alexander the Great, Plato, Sophocles, Aristotle, Shaka Zulu, Napoleon III, Robert...
Michael Porter presenting on the new role of business
Creating Shared Value represents the most exciting new thinking to come out of Harvard Business School since the 1980's. Michael Porter's work in this area has the potential to reinvent capitalism. You can watch an video of him below being interviewed and explaining...
A brief primer on #occupy and the 99% – what’s going on, and why it matters
I am sure you've been following the news of protests around the world. The OccupyWallStreet protest that started a few weeks ago spread this past weekend to other capitals with protestors clashing with police in places such as London and Rome. What are they protesting...
A brief primer on #occupy and the 99% – what's going on, and why it matters
I am sure you've been following the news of protests around the world. The OccupyWallStreet protest that started a few weeks ago spread this past weekend to other capitals with protestors clashing with police in places such as London and Rome. What are they protesting...
A brief primer on #occupy and the 99% – what’s going on, and why it matters
I am sure you've been following the news of protests around the world. The OccupyWallStreet protest that started a few weeks ago spread this past weekend to other capitals with protestors clashing with police in places such as London and Rome. What are they protesting...