How do we reinvent management & capitalism? How do we make people’s jobs more inspiring and meaningful? How can companies deliver more value to society and their customers?
These are just some of the questions that my colleagues and myself at TomorrowToday’s Research & Innovations Lab seek to answer everyday. It’s these questions that have inspired us for over ten years. The recession, debt crisis and general social chaos that we are living with at the moment is making a number of other people ask the same questions. One of the best of these management mavericks is Gary Hamel who is also the figurehead behind the Management Innovation eXchange or MIX
MIX is a management social network that allows business people to share ideas, identify barriers and propose (management) hacks. It’s aim is simple, if we collectively add ideas – crowdsourcing – we will understand the systemic problems better and find solutions quicker.
Below is a really good video/lecture by Gary Hamel in which he talks about many of the elements needed to reinvent management and create capitalism 2.0. It’s thought provoking and well worth watching