Remarkable World? It does not feel that way.
There are very distinct signs that humankind has entered the dawn of a new golden age of technology, a new Age of Discovery, one that has the potential to have as great an impact as the Renaissance. And, yet for the vast majority of people,...
Remarkable World? It does not feel that way.
There are very distinct signs that humankind has entered the dawn of a new golden age of technology, a new Age of Discovery, one that has the potential to have as great an impact as the Renaissance. And, yet for the vast majority of people,...
This computer will grow your food in the future: MegaQuests of the Future
MegaQuests of the 21st Century #1: Feeding 9.5 billion people sustainable and healthy food by 2050 Caleb Harper is an Urban Agricultural Quester who built a fully networked farm - each plant had its very own IP address - of tomatoes, lettuce, and broccoli...
Tuesday Tips: Working out what is relevant about FinTech for you and your business
One of the things we often hear from people who attend our presentations is: “I hear about 'stuff', but I don’t have the time to follow up… that is why I’m glad we booked you so you can cut through the noise and let us know what is relevant.” In Innovation Theory...
TomorrowToday Global Announces Official Launch of Compelling New FinTech Financial Services White Paper
Industry Specialists at TomorrowToday Global Unveil a Timely New White Paper Entitled “FinTech & the Digital Disruption of Financial Services” This hard-hitting new position paper, researched and created by a team of top multi-industry veterans, is a definitive...
The Future of Casinos
Until a few weeks ago, the future of casinos had not been a topic of interest to me. I don't frequent casinos, and when I do go to a conference centre linked to a casino, my overwhelming feeling is of sadness seeing people sitting quietly in front of one-arm bandits...
Humans Need Not Apply (that includes you)
Automation is one of the most important themes in any discussion about the future of work. But just how much of our work can computers actually do. And excellent video was recently released which explores just this question, and supplies a scary answer: nearly all of...
How self-driving cars will change the world – much faster than you think
Yesterday, 20 October 2016, Tesla announced that all future versions of its cars would come standard with all the hardware required to make them completely autonomous vehicles. Legislation may still be catching up, and the software required to drive these cars still...
The Energy Revolution Gathers Pace – Here’s Proof It’s Real
Imagine a world powered by clean, ultra cheap energy. That world is fast becoming our reality. For those people who have been involved in energy issues for a while, and for companies where energy is a significant cost factor, this may seem like pie-in-the-sky idealism...
Tuesday Tips – The Future of Money and your Financial Advice
As we move into the digital age money is changing, and consequently our society is changing in a self-reinforcing cycle. What does this mean for the future of your savings, investments, debt, cash and other financial resources, and where do you go for your financial...
Tuesday Tips – The Future of Money and your Financial Advice
As we move into the digital age money is changing, and consequently our society is changing in a self-reinforcing cycle. What does this mean for the future of your savings, investments, debt, cash and other financial resources, and where do you go for your financial...
How the History of Money is the central clue to the Future of Money
Throughout human history one facet of human society has been consistently present - when one individual has something another needs or wants there needs to be a mechanism to support the transfer of value from one to the other. At the dawn of civilisation we used to do...
Five Frightening Questions Financial Services should be asking about FinTech
Banks, insurance companies and other financial service providers are all aware of the coming FinTech (financial technology) revolution. From robo-advisors to predictive analytics, low/no-cost transaction platforms to mobile wallets, the financial services landscape is...
The Future of Money
Fintech, Banking, and the Digital Customer
Tuesday Tips: What can you do with a Bitcoin
I am sure you’ve heard of bitcoins. The question is whether you know what you can do with a bitcoin! Bitcoin's are one example of the new form of currency being created on the Web. Think of them as dollars, or pounds, or Euros, or Norwegian Kroner or Thai Bhat. You...
In A Doom-Laden World Here is the Reason Why You Should Be Optimistic.
In a recent 60-Minutes interview with Donald Trump and Mike Pence, Lesley Stahl said, “I don’t remember the last time we’ve seen a world in this much chaos,” to which both candidates enthusiastically agreed. This is not surprising after all the Republican presidential...
Let’s Move to Mars!
Let's move to Mars! Elon Musk and his team at SpaceX are not joking. And they're not wild-eyed dreamers either. Yesterday, Elon addressed a crowd at the International Astronautical Congress in Mexico, giving details of how his company plans to use the technology...
A Simple Introduction to The Block Chain
One of the most important technologies in the world at the moment is the distributed ledger system known as the block chain. Graeme Codrington explains what it is in simple terms. Block chain will change the way we record transactions, conclude contracts and transfer...
Latest Tomorrow Trends Podcast now available
Join our team for 30 minutes to listen to our latest episode of the Tomorrow Trends podcast - we're confident that it'll be 30 minutes well spent, learning new ideas, thinking a little out of the box and some inspiration for the week ahead. Don't forget if you're not...
Tuesday Tip: Getting your team to ‘think like a futurist’ – to see the bigger picture
The problem: All too often team meetings become routine, centred on the usual operational issues and well…a little boring. The need to get our team members to (what we in TomorrowToday call), ‘look out the window’, to see the bigger picture. To think about what...