Thinking like a Futurist
Today’s insights are brought to you by my colleague and futurist, Keith Coats. Being a ‘Futurist’ is not without its drawbacks! For one, it often means having to explain exactly what it is that you do. I once had a grumpy immigration official at Heathrow say to me,...
5 for Friday – 21st October 2022
This week's combination of resources and articles offers insights and practical resources to help you equip yourself with the skill required in these disruptive times, as well as for the Future of Work. In this week's insights, Dean van Leeuwen shares The Seven Human...
Throw Forward Thursday: Where to look to see the future
In last week's episode I shared our TIDES Model of Disruptive Change as a tool you can use to know WHAT to look for when you're looking at future trends. This week, we talk about WHERE you can look for evidence, examples and glimpses of the future. It's all about...
The 7 Human Skills Needed to Build a Bionic Business
Today’s insights are brought to you by my colleague and futurist, Dean van Leeuwen. In 1958 Jack Steele, coined the word bionic, blending the words biology and electronic. This was popularised by the 1970s U.S. television series The Six Million Dollar Man and The...
5 for Friday – 14th October 2022
This week's combination of resources and articles offers insights and practical resources to help you equip yourself with the skill required in these disruptive times, as well as for the Future of Work. How to see disruption coming … before it changes everything....
Throw Forward Thursday: Where we get our ideas (The TIDES Model of Disruptive Change)
This is a special edition of Throw Forward Thursday, answering a question sent to us: "Where do you get all your ideas?" This episode I talk about our team's TIDES model of disruptive change, that helps us decide what to look for. These are the five most disruptive...
How to see disruption coming … before it changes everything
Today’s insights are brought to you by my colleague and futurist, Graeme Codrington. There are five main sources of disruption in our world today, and if you keep your eyes on each of them, you’ll do a much better job of anticipating change and preparing for the...
5 for Friday – 7th October 2022
This week's combination of resources and articles offers insights and practical resources to help you equip yourself with the skill required in these disruptive times, as well as for the Future of Work. In this week's insights, Graeme Codrington talks about Four...
Throw Forward Thursday: The end of frogs
Our story starts 20 years after a fungal infection wiped out the world's frogs. It continues today as we see a resurgence in malaria and other tropical diseases because the frogs are not eating insects. And we realise that this is an all-too-familiar story of how our...
Four Essentials for Surviving Disruption
Today’s insights are brought to you by my colleague and futurist, Graeme Codrington. It goes without saying these days that we are facing disruptive times. It feels as if politics and economics especially are more volatile than they’ve been in a while, with...
5 for Friday – 30th September 2022
This week's combination of resources and articles offers insights and practical resources to help you equip yourself with the skill required in these disruptive times, as well as for the Future of Work. STARTing Conversations - Leadership thinker, Keith Coats, talks...
Throw Forward Thursday: The End of Water (and three possible solution)
We all know that the world has a huge problem with water. We don't have enough of it in the places we need it. There are at least three solutions that could change this and could be available by the middle of this century: we could make water, seed clouds, and scale...
STARTing Conversations: Having those difficult but necessary conversations
Today’s insights are brought to you by my colleague and futurist, Keith Coats. It is not an exaggeration to say that the quality of conversations within a business will go a long way to determine whether the business succeeds. How we discuss strategy, deal with...
5 for Friday – 23rd September 2022
This week's combination of resources and articles offers insights and practical resources to help you equip yourself with the skill required in these disruptive times, as well as for the Future of Work. The team at TomorrowToday Global has identified 5 key ingredients...
Throw Forward Thursday: The end of emails
I don't know how far into the future we need to go before we find the end of emails, but in my opinion, it can't come soon enough. Emails need to go the same way as faxes, telegrams and telexes. It won't happen with one single replacement solution, but rather with...
Turbulence is not the danger
Today's insights are brought to you by my colleague and futurist, Keith Coats. Flying into Port Elizabeth (South Africa) recently I was reminded why it is I hold to the wisdom, ‘the bigger the plane the better’! As we were tossed around by the not-so clear- air...
5 for Friday – 16th September 2022
This week's combination of resources and articles offers insights and practical resources to help you equip yourself with the skill required in these disruptive times, as well as for the Future of Work. The future of work is here, and this is what you need to know...
Throw Forward Thursday: The end of sex
More people - especially young people - around the world are choosing not to get married, not to have long-term relationships, not to have children, and to have less sex. No, it's not the time of free "drug, sex and rock 'n' roll" anymore. We are not predicting the...
The future of work is here, and this is what you need to know about it.
Whether it’s a southern hemisphere Spring, a northern Autumn, or a North American Fall, September always feels like a transitionary month. Change is in the air. That’s true in every office around the world this year too. Innovation, adaptability, and resilience are...
5 for Friday – 9th September 2022
This week's combination of resources and articles offers insights and practical resources to help you equip yourself with the skill required in these disruptive times, as well as for the Future of Work. The most innovative companies invite everyone to participate… ...