What the Fourth Industrial Revolution practically means for you and me
Last week Tuesday we sent out the first video in our 7 part mini-series where we started to look at what the Fourth Industrial Revolution actually is. This week we look at what the Fourth Industrial Revolution practically means for you and...What the Fourth Industrial Revolution really means for you.
The “Fourth Industrial Revolution” is fast becoming a meaningless cliche. Together with the team of futurists at TomorrowToday, we can help you make sense of it – and use the power of “4IR” to improve your life and work. We’re so passionate about helping you...Dealing with dissatisfaction
Very often I find myself listening to people talking about their levels of dissatisfaction. Dissatisfaction in their work environments, work relationships, personal lives and even marriages. What always takes me by surprise is how long people spend in states of...Story Cards – Using pictures to form the words
How our team use Story Cards to contribute to deeper and richer conversations within teams and organisations. The Problem: My team just don’t seem to engage in a manner and to a level that I would like and would expect. Our conversations lack the ‘creative spark’ that...9 techniques to improve your creative thinking abilities
9 techniques to improve your creative thinking abilities