by Keith Coats | Dec 6, 2016 | Archive, Leadership, Organisational Development, Tuesday Tips
The Problem: Fit bodies, fat minds My team aren’t reading…which means we might not be learning! “My team aren’t reading and I fear that will impact on our ability and need to learn” said a CEO to me recently. It is a legitimate concern when one understands the...
by Graeme Codrington | Dec 2, 2016 | Archive, Clients Feedback and Media, Leadership
In The Times newspaper in the UK, Raconteur published a superb insert on “The Future CEO”, focusing on the future of leadership and senior leaders within organisations. It is an excellent read, and available for free download here:...
by Graeme Codrington | Nov 29, 2016 | Archive, Change, Leadership, Organisational Development
We know that the world we live in now is not just experiencing an increasing speed of change; it’s clear that change itself has changed. It’s now disruptive, exponential and turbulent, in every area of society from politics to economics, from our families to religions...
by Jude Foulston | Nov 27, 2016 | Archive, Change, Clients Feedback and Media, Leadership
Many thanks to Deanne Earle from Change Through Action for this most recent book review on Graeme and Keith’s Leading in a Changing World leadership book. A reminder that we are able to customize the books to include a foreword from your CEO or company for...
by Keith Coats | Nov 24, 2016 | Archive, Diversity, Leadership, Organisational Development
Understanding the journey of different ‘from’ to different ‘for’. In the past, similarity worked. This was how the world worked. Teams, even entire organizations, worked based on people who were like you. It was easy; it felt comfortable. You began with a foundation...
by Graeme Codrington | Nov 23, 2016 | Archive, Leadership, Organisational Development
In his book on innovation, “Robert’s Rules of Innovation II: The Art of Implementation”, Robert F. Brands, provides many examples of the practices that have led to cultures of innovation in a variety of different companies (see his book on