In This Week of Love…

In This Week of Love…

… I decided to Blog about love as a kind of ode to love, which I think in our fast-pace ever-changing world of chaos is all too easily overlooked. Do you believe in love? Do you believe in true love? Do you believe in love at first sight? Do you believe in...

Social Media Bootcamp – Durban

The Social Media Boot Camp is a crash course in Social Media and Web 2.0 with a specific focus on using it strategically for business. According to the Friendship 2.0 report published by MWEB, Social Media has become the main reason that South Africans access the...
Am I am Actress or am I Real?

Am I am Actress or am I Real?

Have you ever been asked this question? (well, if you are a man you may have been asked if you are an actor). I was asked it yesterday morning and certainly it has got me thinking. Let me paint the scene for you. I was in a meeting with a very inteligent,...