by Keith Coats | Oct 16, 2019 | Leadership
Leadership: Essential Writings By Our Greatest Thinkers – edited by Elizabeth D. Samet This is an anthology that brings together a rich array of insights, stories and perspectives on the subject of leadership. Elizabeth Samet, an award winning author (Soldier’s...
by Keith Coats | Sep 17, 2019 | Archive, Leadership, Organisational Development, Tuesday Tips
There can be no greater strategic imperative for any business or corporation than to be ‘future-fit’. By ‘future-fit’ I mean, ‘ready, relevant and well-positioned for the context and market of tomorrow’. It is the readiness to see and respond to both the threat and...
by Keith Coats | Aug 6, 2019 | Archive, Leadership, Organisational Development, Tuesday Tips
How our team use Story Cards to contribute to deeper and richer conversations within teams and organisations. The Problem: My team just don’t seem to engage in a manner and to a level that I would like and would expect. Our conversations lack the ‘creative spark’ that...
by Keith Coats | Jul 10, 2019 | Archive, Leadership
A book that our colleague Keith Coats has recently read (and recommends) is Prisoners of Geography: Ten maps that tell you everything you need to know about global politics by Tim Marshall. The title instantly attracted his attention and as one of the maps concerns...
by Keith Coats | Jun 26, 2019 | Archive, Diversity, Tuesday Tips
In spite of what we may think, the group of people we turn to when we have need to bounce an idea off, get advice or have a conversation, is usually surprisingly small. In other words, under scrutiny, our ‘inner circle’ is often far less diverse than we believe it to...