by Keith Coats | Jul 15, 2017 | Leadership
Reading of a Somerset couple’s disastrous attempt to replicate the famous Dirty Dancing move (the one where Patrick Swayze lifts Jennifer Grey above his head as she leaps into his arms) ended up with them both in hospital, got me thinking. It is worth pausing briefly...
by Keith Coats | Jul 13, 2017 | Archive, Leadership
Some years ago I asked a friend who was responsible for some of the most successful TV adverts in South Africa – she was the advertising agency’s account manager for a fast food brand – what made the adverts so successful. “That’s easy” she said, “the client leaves me...
by Keith Coats | Jun 8, 2017 | Archive, Clients Feedback and Media, Leadership
Margaret Wheatley has said that leadership is the simple act of stepping forward. Leading in today’s volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous world – or what is commonly referred to as ‘VUCA’ requires a leadership response, unlike anything we have known in...
by Keith Coats | May 18, 2017 | Archive, Change, Future Trends, Leadership
A conversation on how to sustain learning… So tell me why you think learning is so important, I mean it is not like I don’t have enough to do right now? I’m part of this TomorrowToday Future of Work Academy and to be honest, there’s a lot of resources in there…how do...
by Keith Coats | May 4, 2017 | Archive, Future Trends
Sitting on an early morning flight recently I overheard a fascinating conversation between the two gentlemen sitting next to me. As we descending into a misty and overcast Brussels, having left an equally misty and overcast London, my fellow passengers, who were...