by Keith Coats | Sep 22, 2017 | Future Trends, Leadership
The capacity to lead depends on trust. As a leader keeping trust alive is your primary responsibility for without it, you cannot lead. Trust is the air in a healthy organisational culture; it is the very currency of leadership. This is the secret that is hidden in...
by Keith Coats | Aug 24, 2017 | Archive
There was a hard to ignore story that appeared in the British press this week. It involved a team of Wiltshire fire fighters who rescued 18 piglets (and two grown sows) from a burning barn, only for the grateful owner to serve them up (to the fire-fighters) as pork...
by Keith Coats | Aug 24, 2017 | Archive
There was a hard to ignore story that appeared in the British press this week. It involved a team of Wiltshire fire fighters who rescued 18 piglets (and two grown sows) from a burning barn, only for the grateful owner to serve them up (to the fire-fighters) as pork...
by Keith Coats | Aug 15, 2017 | Archive, Diversity, Organisational Development, Tuesday Tips
The Problem: My people are not staying, aren’t committed as they should be and don’t seem happy at work. What can I do to reverse these trends? The Solution: Give your people more freedom than you are comfortable with. If you are comfortable with the amount of...
by Keith Coats | Jul 18, 2017 | Archive, Tuesday Tips
The Problem: There is a culture within your team/organisation of gossip. Conversations are happening ‘offline’ and behind backs all of which is proving harmful – as it always is! You realise you need to check this behaviour and simply saying, “don’t do it” hasn’t...