This week’s combination of resources and articles offers insights and practical resources to help you equip yourself with the skill required in these disruptive times, as well as for the Future of Work.


Those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn will struggle on an individual and organisational level. But if you practice unlearning, and then relearning or learning something new, you open up your mind and affect change within your organisations. How can you integrate learning, unlearning, and relearning to create long-lasting, impactful change? Read more in this week’s insights by Leadership Thinker, Keith Coats.

● In these rapidly changing, and uncertain times, organisations need to be more flexible than ever. “In this environment, change agility needs to be part of the new organisations and leaders’ DNA. It can’t just exist in a few people in the organisation; it needs to be the way business gets done.”

But how can leaders become more change agile and make change thinking in their organisations contagious? Read more in this blog about how diversifying your knowledge can make you a more agile leader by The Neuroscience School.

Turbulence is not the danger – Peter Drucker once said, “The greatest danger in times of turbulence is not the turbulence, it is to act with yesterday’s logic.” Rather than looking back for tomorrow’s solutions, we must look forward. We need to know how to learn from the future! Read the full LinkedIn article here, shared by Keith Coats.

● This week’s ThrowForward Thursday episode is about Future Materials – for everything from construction to clothing – and how we’re going to find new materials with remarkable properties. Graeme takes you back in time to how we turned Teflon into waterproof clothing, just by playing around in a lab; and looks forward to how you and your team should be playing around with the raw materials of your industry. Watch this week’s episode here.

● Here’s an article from Forbes that Graeme shared with his Futures Club members a few weeks ago, saying that it was genuinely one of the best summaries of the key issues that will elevate your leadership in a hybrid environment (whatever level of flexibility your team has been granted.) You can take a read here.

Speaking of Graeme’s futures club – his next webinar for his Silver and Gold club members is on the 24th October and he’ll be talking about how to use the power of ridiculous ideas to elevate your strategic thinking. You are welcome to sign up for this webinar here.


You’re welcome to contact us for more information on how we can help your team face the future with confidence.

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