We are always in flux. The sooner we accept that, the sooner we can claim who we are becoming.”

Zanele Njapha

Do you ever feel like you’ve either consciously or unintentionally taken on ideas, practices and perspectives that no longer serve you? 

You may be feeling a little ‘stuck’, wanting to move forward but not quite sure how to.

This is a common feeling for anyone going through a life transition. From welcoming a new family member, to moving homes and from changing functions to becoming redundant.

As we begin our transitioning journey, we become aware of the above ideas and practices, and are often overwhelmed by their potential to hold us back from leaping into our re-imagined futures.

The LEAP framework was developed to assist teams and individuals undergoing any of life’s transitions. The framework has helped many of the teams and individuals I work with, to transition with confidence.
It outlines principles that each of us can apply as we ‘let go’ of these ideas, practices and perspectives that don’t serve us, so that we can ‘grab hold’ of a re-imagined and future-focused identity.

LEAP is an acronym that is broken up as follows: L – Live Vision, E – Easy/Edible Chunks, A – Acknowledge, Appreciate & Announce and lastly P – Participation.

The guide: Hack Your Transition breaks down each of these four principles by outlining why each is critical in our transitioning journey and then how you can begin to apply them in everyday life.
In this article, I’d like to briefly introduce the first letter: L – Live Vision.

Having a live vision is vital because as you transition, it is important that your vision for the next phase of your journey be crystal clear and have an enticing ‘pull factor’ that evokes a sense of urgency within you.

The brain supports clarity and specificity, and will fuel a well-defined vision or idea much more than one that is blurry and vague.


Create a representation of your new desired state/re-imagined future using colours or tools and materials that excite or appeal to you.
Consider creating representations that are visual (vision board), tactile (model or sculpture), auditory (a song or jingle) or kinaesthetic (routine or simulation) – depending on what resonates with you. The more of these you can explore, the better.


Having your goals represented in physical form contributes to keeping you accountable to yourself. This is especially effective when it’s represented according to your individual learning style.

When you see the vision board or hear that song, it reminds you of a promise and commitment you once made to yourself. As life gets busy and we are distracted, this representation brings you back to a point of focus and clarity around your goals.

The Guide: Hack Your Transition goes even further to outline the other principles along with the applications for each.

The guide is free download and I’d like to encourage you to not only download it for yourself, but share it with friends and colleagues who are currently working through a life transition either in their personal or professional lives. We could all use the support of others at this time.

Download the guide here: Hack Your Transition. I am looking forward to hearing all about your journey with this resource.


About the author of today’s Tuesday Tip – Zanele Njapha

In the face of disruptive change, Zanele assists organisations to navigate various transitions and become future-fit by cracking the unlearning code. 

She does this by facilitating the understanding that learning, unlearning and relearning must be the crux and heart of an organisation’s DNA if they are serious about sustained relevance in a shifting climate.

Email [email protected] for more information or to contact Zanele.

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