This keynote presentation or workshop uncovers the keys to building a culture of innovation in your company and career.

Every organisation in the world wants innovation. It’s even included as a core value and key strategic imperative in most company’s vision statements these days. And yet, it is so rarely achieved. Most organisations move from year to year experiencing not much more than incremental growth and small change steps.

But there are the exceptions. Companies that sustain double digit growth, that come from nowhere to dominate their industry and year after year seem to be able to bring new products to their marketplaces and sustain customer loyalty and interest over time. Research into these companies reveals some important truths about what a true culture of innovation looks like. The good news is that there is no magic secret – anyone can build a culture of innovation if they know what really works.

Innovation for Real shares the research the TomorrowToday team has done into the world’s most innovative organisations. It’s filled with case studies and practical insights highlighting twelve keys that can be applied by individuals, teams and organisations.

Content Overview:

  • Brief introduction to the concept of exponential change, and an explanation of why innovation is so hard these days
  • Famous innovation methodologies, and why they have failed to deliver
  • Innovative companies and the importance of building a culture of innovation
  • The keys:
    1. Everyone in your team must be an innovator – understanding the innovation process and the innovator’s DNA
    2. Solve your CUSTOMER’s problems, not your own – ask the right questions
    3. Measure all elements of the innovation system – not just the outcomes
    4. Experiment more – and accept failure as part of the process – learn to fail fast, fail cheap and fail loud
    5. Embrace difference – listen to all the voices, and embrace collaboration and open systems
    6. Remove organisational constraints – the importance of agility
    7. Look for Business Model disruptors
    8. Start with the Quick Wins – develop momentum
    9. Keep going – the importance of resilience and tenacity
    10. Moonshot thinking – think 10X, not 10% – The power of a good story
  • The ten keys in your career
  • The ten keys in your organisation


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