Tuesday Tips

If your organisation suddenly disappeared would it leave a hole no one could fill or would customers respond saying what hole? Being efficient and effective no longer guarantees competitiveness, rather delivering meaningfulness does.

Here are three steps that you can follow for delivering meaningfulness:

Step One: Ask yourself, within my world of influence, what is broken? Is there a better way? Figure out how you can do meaningful things that matter to the people who matter most in your life. They may be internal or external customers.

Step Two: Ask, is there anything we can do that will take things to a higher level? We live in a world where crazy impossible things are coming true, so try to push things to the next level.

Step Three: Articulate an inspirational destination that engages, empowers and gets people excited about what it is that you are trying to achieve.

Hint: Make your destiny outcome/output focused not an activity.


We work with the world’s largest health and beauty retail group. The HR team wanted to do something meaningful for their staff and business, (the world that they influence).

The concern: People were working hard and not finding time to exercise and stay fit.

The crazy idea: Using Fitbit and Apple watches, linked to Strava, the HR team embarked on a quest to ‘walk (collectively) to every UK store’, a destination of 8,854 miles in 45 days – a very clear outcome focused destination.

The Result: The team bonded around a common and inspirational goal and each person became fitter and healthier. News got out that the HR team were figuratively walking to each store. The store personnel got behind the HR team and donated money to charity for every mile they walked. The stores also loved the idea and were inspired that the HR team cared enough to even think of this endeavour. The HR team became closer, the target was challenging, if one person fell ill the others ‘picked up’ their daily miles. No person was left behind, they encouraged each other everyday and the team grew in confidence and stature. The HR team completed their quest stronger, more passionate and inspired to add even more value to the business and their customers.

Chat to us if you’d like to book our team to deliver our keynote presentation that explores this topic further.

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