In one of the ‘Leadership Lessons’ in our Future Fit Video Series (A series of practical exercises to grow your skills as a future-fit leader), Keith provides some insights around change being the constant context for leadership.

Keith speaks about how ‘unrelenting global change will be the operating context of the future’ and how it is precisely this emerging reality that has given rise to the need to rethink both the theory and practice of leadership. The adaptive leader needs to recognize this shift in emphasis and context and become comfortable leading in and through change.

The problem

Different individuals have different tolerance levels when it comes to their capacity to deal with change – knowing your ‘change capacity’ will be an important self-check in embracing an adaptive leadership mind-set and practice. Very often as individuals we slip into a comfort zone that routine and expectations help create.

The solution

Learning to embrace change and be open to all that change invites can start with some very small and simple exercises. In much the same way that to achieve physical fitness, the starting point is often simple steps that start a journey.

In the video series, Keith suggests taking a different way home. (Together with what you should look for and be aware of).

Today, I’m going to rather suggest listening to a podcast.

Of course I’m only suggesting this if you’re not a regular podcast subscribers. If you do listen to podcasts already, then I guess you’d best take a different route home this afternoon (and as you do so, pay attention to how it feels and what you notice both internally and externally. Think of other ‘small shifts’ that you can experiment with and have fun doing so.)

Go on try it, you may find a different way to consume knowledge. You may find a different teacher, on a different platform. It may open up new ways to learn and new channels to learn from, and even new times in the day that you can learn.

 Step out of your ‘comfort zones’ of your familiar publications, add to the regular places you consume your information from. Try something different… today.

Change: The constant context for adaptive leadership!

And yes… our  latest podcast episode is now available. (with some notes here on how to easily listen to podcasts)

TomorrowTrends Episode 6



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