Keith Coats introduces START conversations and gives an example of what women talk about when they are encouraged to talk about the world of work.

Raymond de Villiers shines a light on how today’s youngest employees approach careers and the writing of their resumes – and what it means for recruiting and engaging digital natives.

Graeme Codrington provokes some new thinking about the definition of leadership.

Keith and Graeme discuss two leadership novels worth reading.

Dean Van Leeuwen asks which would you give up, your smartphone or household plumbing? You may initially think that you couldn’t possibly live without your smartphone, but this provocative questions challenges our mindset about current innovations and the future our world is heading towards.
Duration: 38 minutes

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Links and Resources from this podcast

Information on our START Conversations

Leading in a Changing World Book on Amazon by Keith and Graeme

Download our Digital Natives ebook here to better understand, retain and engage with the New Generation of Millennial Talent

Quest: Competitive Advantage and the Art of Leadership in the 21st Century – book authored by Dean van Leeuwen

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