Inc magazine just published a really excellent list of 30 websites to make you remarkably smarter. We often talk to our audiences about “switching on the radar” and making sure that you lift your eyes beyond the next horizon. These websites will help you do just that. We also talk a lot about the revolution taking place in learning & development and education brought about by MOOCs (massive, open, online courses). Many of these websites are hosts to these courses. All are worth adding to your regular reading list, and many are worth spending some time exploring.

Are your favourites missing from this list? What would you add? I think I might add the Singularity Hub, Strategy + Business and Raconteur.

Here is Inc’s list (read their detailed descriptions and reasons here):

  1. TED Talks
  2. Brain Pickings
  3. 99U
  4. Lynda
  5. University of the People 
  6. Learnist
  7. Alison
  8. Mental Floss
  9. Brain Pump
  10. Peer 2 Peer University
  11. Platzi
  12. edX
  13. OpenSesame
  14. Udacity
  15. Coursmos
  16. Highbrow get smarter brain
  17. Coursera
  18. University Webinars
  19. DataCamp
  20. CreativeLive
  21. Investopedia
  22. Gibbon
  23. BBC Languages
  24. Future Learn
  25. MIT OpenCourseWare
  26. Project Gutenberg
  27. Quora
  28. Udemy
  29. Skillshare


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