CLIENT: International high street bank with leading investment arm.


  • Establish a direct marketing campaign to a saturated base, selling a mature product in tough market conditions.


  • Worked with marketing team and advertising agency, to develop a value proposition for Generation X and Baby Boomers.
  • Developed two new packs, and tested them against the existing champion pack.
  • Developed testing matrix along with cells.
  • Worked with team to refine and perfect results.


  • Immediate improvement in uptake of new business.
  • Response and conversion rate doubled.
  • Campaign used as case study across business, to demonstrate marketing results.

“We wanted to test the generations theory and gave the team a very difficult challenge, using a pack that was already performing well. We were hugely impressed, as we had not expected such a good result, using such a challenging product. Generations has had a very positive influence in our thinking across marketing, and has made us a more customer centric organisation over the past 18 months.” – P. Newton: Head of Marketing

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