TomorrowToday uses a simple, but valuable framework for making sense of the changing world of work, and the requirements for organisational development.  We identify four inter-related factors that are affecting the way in which leaders lead and operate, and which companies must master, in order to be effective in the constantly changing world of the 21st century.  These are:


  • A changing world – understanding the forces that are causing disruptive change in the world around us.
  • A changing customer – identifying changing channels, to market new demands for communication with customers, clients and B2B partners, and new types of customers.


  • A changing workplacehow we work, where we work, when we work, and even why we work, are all in constant flux. This brings added complexity to the world of work – something that many leaders are just not equipped to handle.


  • A changing workforce – different generations with very different expectations of the world, are interacting with each other; and we are also increasingly confronted with different world-views and approaches, in our everyday interactions with others.


Many leadership development interventions focus mainly on practical skills and behaviours, without seriously considering the issues that provide the context for a changing world. TomorrowToday integrates all four elements throughout the content we design, ensuring that leaders and organisations have a clear understanding both of where they are, and where they are going.

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