Graeme Codrington has appeared in the media a few times in recent weeks. Here is a sampling of his contributions:

Speaking on Gen Y at the British Hospitality Association annual convention, Graeme focused attention on the impact that a younger generation is having on an industry that needs to employ significant numbers of young people to succeed. His presentation and contribution to a panel discussion was captured in the June/July 2014 edition of Hospitality Today (page 24-25): read it online here.

Graeme spoke at an Extended Knowledge Conference for Baloise Insurance Group in Germany recently. Here is a summary of the session.

Graeme was recently interviewed on CapeTalk 567 radio, on how to future-proof our children. Listen to the 15 minute interview on SoundCloud here.

A number of the TomorrowToday team have been featured on yourBusinessChannel’s Inside Finance TV channel. See their briefings videos here. We especially like the video on “Blowing Industries Apart”.

Also see Graeme at Chocovision 2014 in Davos speaking about the changing world.

CHOCOVISION 2014: Dr Graeme Codrington on how cocoa industry may be affected by disruptive forces from Chocovision on Vimeo.

Here are some mentions of Graeme and the team in various published magazines and papers in the last few months:

NewsChange your mindset to attract Generation Y, urges futurist
By Carina Perkins in Big Hospitality, 09-Jun-2014
Attracting and retaining Generation Y as staff and customers will require a fundamental shift in the way hospitality businesses think and operate, according to futurist Dr Graeme Codrington.

How To Use Social Media In The Know-It-All World
By Linda Koco, in InsuranceNewsNet, June 08, 2014

The new world of work according to Graeme Codrington
British Hospitality Association, May 27, 2014

The future of travel: eight things you need to know
by Loulla-Mae Eleftheriou-Smith, in Marketing Magazine 21.10.2013

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