Here at TomorrowToday, we’re very proud of one of our ex-colleagues, Lynda Smith. Lynda is a serial entrepreneur who left TomorrowToday a number of years to start The Refirement Network, an organisation focused on providing services and support to Baby Boomers who didn’t feel that they had reached the end of their road just because they had reached retirement age.

Along the way, she has also taken up the position of CEO of a South African startup company, BrainBoosters. Started by the ever-energetic Karina Strydom, BrainBoosters provides fantastic support, resources, tools and assistance to parents of young children, to help them fast track their children’s development – especially cognitive development. This is done by empowering trainers and business people to sell the products and provide community level assistance for parents. So, the additional benefit of the business is that it helps others to also start their own businesses.

Lynda Smith and her award for BrainBoostersUnder the guidance of Lynda and the team, this company has been growing quickly, and having a huge impact on the South African community. Along with them, we believe that improving early childhood development is about the best thing a country can do to secure its future.

Last week, they were awarded two national awards at the Gender Mainstreaming gala dinner awards: The Economic Empowerment trophy as well as the runner-up award for the category: Women and Poverty alleviation, which was won by Coca-Cola.

Well done, Lynda and your team. We’re proud of you, and support what you’re doing for the next generation!