It took radio 38 years to reach 50 Million users. TV took 13 years and the Internet took 4 years to reach the same figure. However, it only took the iPhone 2 years to reach the same figure.  In 2011 around $1 Billion was spent in mobile advertising, analysts expect it to be $4 Billion in 2015. Over 50% of all purchases are preceded by internet search. The power of information is now in the hands of consumers. Here are a few intriguing facts about Mobile Marketing:

  • The average user has a smartphone with them 23 hours per day
  • Consumers now spend an average of 74 minutes on the web and 81 minutes on mobile apps
  • 70% of smartphone users use their phone when shopping in-store to check competing offers.
  • Only 33% of companies have a mobile optimized website
  • Mobile advertising will hit $3 billion in 2012 and nearly $5 billion by 2015

Here is a  great infographic developed by on the the future of mobile marketing.


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