Trust and Loyalty are fast becoming cornerstones to competitive advantage in a world that is changing constantly. Reputation management – the management of trust and loyalty  – needs to be an item on every board’s agenda. If it’s not on your company’s radar these ten reasons may help provide the motivation for  its inclusion:
  1. A 5% reduction in the customer defection rate can increase profits by up to 95% – Bain & Company
  2. It costs 6 – 7 times more to acquire a new customer than retain an existing one – Bain & Company
  3. An average company loses between 10 – 30% of its customers annually – McKinsey
  4. A customer is 4 times more likely to defect to a competitor if the problem is service related than price or product related – Bain & Company
  5. 68% of customers leave because they were upset with the treatment they received whilst speaking to customer services – US Chamber of Commerce
  6. The probability of selling to an existing customer is 60 – 70%. The probability of selling to a new prospect is 5-20% – Marketing Metrics
  7. 96% of unhappy customers don’t complain, however 91% of those will simply leave and never come back – 1st Financial Training services
  8. A 2% increase in customer retention has the same effect as decreasing costs by 10% – Leading on the Edge of Chaos, Emmet Murphy & Mark Murphy
  9. A dissatisfied customer will tell between 9-15 people about their experience. Around 13% of dissatisfied customers tell more than 20 people. – White House Office of Consumer Affairs
  10.  55% of customers would pay extra to guarantee a better service – Defaqto research

 For more see “50 Facts about Customer experience” ( )

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