Mike Saunders will be presenting Social Reinvention at the  Web 2.0 conference in March 2012.

Date:    6 – 8 March 2012

Venue: Emperors Palace, Kempton Park, Johannesburg

Get 10% off the conference by quoting this promotional code “tomorrowweb2.0”

The past, present and future (Web3.0). From only reading web sites on the net to being able to write and contribute to the net in a matter of a few years, the next step is upon us. Web2.0 and its benefits and challenges for your business, the good the bad and the ugly of Web2.0, Social Media Marketing, Facebook vs. Google plus and more will be addresses and what we are all waiting for on Web3.0.

What is Web3.0? What can we expect from Web3.0? Web2.0 vs Web3.0, technologies that will drive Web3.0 and more will be the highlight of the conference with a few live presentations included. Registrations now open but seats are limited. REGISTER NOW!

About Social Reinvention

A presentation that looks into how business can reinvent its marketing, products, systems and processes to successfully transition to a new world of social technology and social media.

Social Reinvention looks at both international and South African business and how social technology disrupts B2C, B2B and employee communications, business processes like CRM, Recruitment and Training, geographic targeting and business networking. This is done by looking into case studies on some of the worlds best businesses and how they have started to make this transition. These case studies include Deloitte, Nike, Toyota, Tesco, Cell C, Standard Bank, Spar and many more.