We’ve been predicting in our research and presentations for over a year now that Augmented Reality or AR will be the next big thing. AR has the ability to completely redefine how customers experience your products and services. It’s especially exciting in service driven industries as AR brings a visual and almost tangible reality to products like banking and travel, the opportunities to engage with customers by providing a visual, entertaining and informative interaction are endless. Companies and marketers need to embrace this trend quickly and completely
E-consulting has just written a very good blog providing 10 very good Augmented Reality examples
videos that highlight the opportunities with augmented reality. You will be able to use AR to create real-world applications that fulfil human needs in a way that still feels ever so slightly sci-fi. You can try out a number of these AR demos from your desktop if you have a printer and webcam.
The possibilities for world-class mobile applications are really exciting, but the upside for brand marketers is also vast, as AR can improve on-pack promotions, point of sale, print and billboard advertising, and so on. And if you think this is all tomorrow’s world, it isn’t. Take a look at the Glasses Direct interactive video mirror, for an example of how augmented reality can play a role in helping improve your conversion rates today.