Not many companies get how to use Twitter. @heathrowairport does! Bottom line Twitter and all other social media platforms are about building relationships with customers and entering into a dialogue. Check out @heathrowairport on Twitter. What impresses me about what heathrow airport is doing is that it honestly feels like there is a real person behind the tweets. (of course there is a real person behind @heathrowairport and they are doing a great job. My concern is with other companies who may be devising ways of how they can use a computer to automate their tweets!) For @heathrowairport you get a sense of someone who is friendly, has an engaging personality, is funny, takes the time to listen to what customers are saying, has empathy and is looking out for the passengers just as a friend would.
In my article Bacon Baps Build Buddies I reveal how companies can get more out of social media and develop strategies to build relationships with customers. I reveal why achieving customer loyalty is like trying to herd cats impossible and how companies can use social media to build stronger relationships and even partnerships with customers using the principles of friendship: Being supportive, sharing dreams and aspirations and encouraging other friendships. @heathrowairport is a great case study for companies wanting to build stronger relationships with customers. Have a look at a screen grab I took of some of @heathrowairport tweets, they are friendly and engaging – brilliant!
Another company that gets this is Zappos and you can learn more about Zappos’s approach to customer relationships, social media and unique company culture by listening to an interview I did with the COO of Zappos Afred Lin.