A while back I wrote about new models for paying for content online. One of the new developments I wrote about was Flattr. It’s a ‘closed system’ that allows you to pay people for the content they produce, as long as they’re part of the Flattr system. I like the ethos behind their model, and I think it has great potential to begin to shift our mind-set around paying for content.

I signed up for Flattr at the beginning of July. To be a part of Flattr will cost you a minimum of a 2 Euros per month. It’s an investment in other people’s content, and not a payment to Flattr.

At the end of July I had been allocated 6.31 Euros, and a total of 7 of my blog posts had been Flattr’d 14 times. I’m chuffed with the results, and assuming Flattr is able to sustain the growth of their database, it can only be a good thing.

If you produce content (blog, podcast, vidcast, etc) I’d encourage you to look them up and apply for an invitation to get into their system.

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