We in TomorrowToday have been saying for a long time that the biggest global strategic challenge is what has been called the, ‘war for talent’ – or what is essentially the attraction and retention of talent. There has been some earlier research on this but a recent global research done by the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) titled, ‘Creating People Advantage; How to Address HR Challenges Worldwide Through 2015’ confirms it. The scope of the BCG’s research included 83 countries and markets, capturing along the way some 4,700 executive interviews on 17 topics in human resources management. The research outlines some 194 specific action steps associated with these topics and also included more than 200 follow-up interviews with senior executives worldwide.
Three strategic categories were identified concerning critical challenges facing HR into the future: Developing and Retaining the Best Employees; Anticipating Change and finally, Enabling the Organization.
Managing Talent is at the top or very near the top of the agenda in every region and every industry. Linked to this is the critical challenge of improving leadership development as well as managing life-work balance. Our approach in TomorrowToday has always been to see these as inter-dependent and integrated areas of concern – together with understanding global change and how to build adaptive organizations. The research makes the point that, ‘change should be hard-wired into an organization in a tangible and measurable way’. Of course this is easier said than done but this is exactly what we in TorrowToday are about and love to do. Get hold of the BCG research. It is well presented as it is divided into global regions and for HR Directors and Managers, it will prove to be a valuable resource when arguing your point…be that for budget allocation or the need to try new things!