Here’s an old story that I just picked up. Mainly from the humour list, Top5. See below for the funny side of this.
Over 2,500 people learned they’d lost their jobs when the British Amulet Group fired them by sending a text message to their cell phones. This happened in 2003 – read about it here. A similar incident occured in 2006. Read about it here.
At one stage I would have written, “you can’t believe that companies would be that stupid”. But I have been consulting to companies long enough to know that that isn’t true. Companies can indeed be very, very stupid.
So, if you were to send a text message to fire staff, what would you say? Here is what the crazy guys at Top 5 suggested:
The Top 25 Pink Slip Text Messages
25. Party’s Over
24. U Suk*Pak Up
23. Buh-Bye Now
22. UR SOL! :-O
21. Go2
19. Dear X-Worker
18. Adieu2Yieu
17. Door/Ass/Out
16. SleepIn4evr!
15. U R SO Scrwd
14. Got boxes?
13. Sux2BeU2day
12. URWeakestLnk
11. NanaHeyHey..
10. SenorLastDay
9. DontGoPostal
8. CUwldntwnaBU
7. L8er, LUser
6. HopeULikeTV
4. # D Pavement
3. U R Toast
2. Stee-rike 3!
and the Number 1 Pink Slip Text Message…
1. URTrmn8d,Fkr