Edition: July 2007

Available online at: http://www.tmtd.biz/articles

This month at a glance… more details below:: Beware the Rise of the Ethical Consumer (by Graeme Codrington):: The Inconvenient Truth for Leaders (by Keith Coats)
:: The Soul of Your African: Celebration (by Aloysias Maimane)
:: What’s Your First Impression (by Graeme Codrington)
:: Book review and recommendation
:: Authentic Leadership: The Global Perspective
:: TomorrowTraining: Train-the-Trainer

:: A new kind of eNerGy

:: Featured Articles in July

GraemeCodringtonBeware the Rise of the Ethical Consumer
A new generation of “ethical consumers” are starting to demand more than just great products and services at fair prices – they also increasingly require transparency, environmental care, social responsibility, diversity and a host of other characteristics in the companies they buy from. They will be demanding these from their employers in the future, too. In this article, Dr Graeme Codrington helps you to see your company – your product offerings, your brand, your reputation, your leaders, your people and your future – through the eyes of your future consumers and staff.
Click here to read the rest of this article

KeithCoats – The Inconvenient Truth for Leaders
What global warming is to Al Gore, so is the issue of control to the leader. However the inconvenient truth is that control is an illusion. Keith Coats, global leadership guru explores the concept of leadership and control in this insightful article on invitational leadership.

Click here to read the rest of this article

AloysiasMaimane – The Soul of Your African: Celebration
Aloysias Maimane asks what makes someone an African. Part of the answer relates to African celebrations. In this article, Aloysias explains what celebrations mean to Africans, and what implications this has for companies and leaders. Anyone who needs to attract, retain and inspire African staff members, whatever their cultural background, would do well to consider the importance of celebrations.

Click here to read the rest of this article

GraemeCodringtonWhat’s Your First Impression
You only get one chance to make a first impression. The old cliché could not be more true, or more important, in a world where we compete constantly for customer’s attention and connection. Dr Graeme Codrington looks at some first impressions you may not be considering, and suggests that this is so important that it should be a top strategic priority.

Click here to read the rest of this article

:: Book review and recommendation

Retiring the Generation Gap: How Employees Young & Old Can Find Common Ground

A few years ago, some of the TomorrowToday team attended a workshop by Jennifer Deal. She certainly challenged our thinking. Her contention was that all the focus on generation gaps in the workplace was obscuring the fact that there are many similarities between people of all ages. She is right, of course – and it is a good “corrective voice” for business to hear. As much as there are certain distinctive characteristics of different generations, each person in your company is nevertheless still that: a person, a human being. As such, they have certain drives, ambitions, requirements and characteristics that should not be neglected.


Jennifer Deal has now turned that research into a book. We were sent a review and summary of the book, and thought you’d be interested in reading about the 10 principles for engaging staff, young and old. This is a great book that will help you not become stuck when thinking about different generations, and not overcompensate for generational differences.

You can purchase the book at Amazon.com or Kalahari.net.

Click here to read the rest of this book review

:: Authentic Leadership: The Global Perspective
1 November 2007, London, UK
This is one event you and your senior managers must attend this year – it is unique in its offering. Authenticity and diversity are fundamental to managing successfully at the highest level in business today. 9 of the world’s best speakers at a one-time event in London, to give you the ultimate, up-to-the-minute information on authentic leadership in the new global market. You will hear about:

  • What is an authentic global leader?
  • Uncovering, projecting and leading with authentic values
  • Being a leader driven by integrity and inspiration
  • Attracting a new generation of ethical consumers
  • A diverse perspective on leadership from the best of global experts
  • Unlocking the ‘rebel’ in you to reach your spirit, passion and purpose as a leader
  • Attracting the best in future talent
  • Being different and making a difference as a truly authentic leader

This is truly a one-off, not to be missed event, organised by WalkingTall.
TomorrowToday will be represented by Dr Graeme Codrington, who will be speaking on his latest keynote presentation, “Hannah’s Rules” about the coming of the ethical consumer (see the article in this e-zine and the website: www.hannahsrules.com).
1st November 2007
Number SIX Gresham Street, London EC2V 7AD, UK
9.30am to 4.30pm

Fee – £550 plus VAT
Including lunch and refreshments.

Early Bird Booking
Until 31st August only, we’re offering 3 places for £1100 plus VAT, to up to 10 companies.

More details of the speakers and a booking form are available at www.authentic-leadership.info

TomorrowTraining: Train-the-Trainer


Train-the-Trainer programme (or How Not to Get Shot)
To date, close on 90 people have gone through our Train-the-Trainer public courses in Johannesburg and Cape Town.
If you were not one of them, what are you waiting for?
Our philosophy is that the best trainers are not born, merely experienced. Our programme aims to provide trainers and facilitators with the tools, tips and techniques that experienced trainers rely on. At the end of this programme, participants will be able to

  • facilitate learning in groups
  • apply adult learning principles
  • apply the secrets of body language to group dynamics
  • create an environment which supports learning

No prior experience necessary!
Here is what some of our delegates have said:

  • “Absolutely brilliant!”
  • “Such fun and so informative.”
  • “A total eye-opener!”
  • “Empowering tools and skills.”
  • “A GREAT course! The best I have ever been on. I learned so much!

Duration: 2 days
Date: Monday 13th and Tuesday 14th of August 2007
Time: 08:30am – 4:30pm
Cost: R2200.00 per delegate (includes all course material and catering)
Venue: TBC (Johannesburg North)
Space is limited, be sure to book your place today by contacting:
Contact: Karin Wellman +27 83 600 4623 [email protected]
Vicky Solomon +27 82 884 9588 [email protected]

More information available at the TomorrowTraining website.

A new kind of eNerGy


If you live and work in Cape Town, and have had anything to do with TomorrowToday, you will probably have met with, spoken to, or seen Nicky and Glenda. For the past few years they have worked with TomorrowToday as client managers, arranging and organising the best possible TomorrowToday content at conferences and businesses all through the wider Cape Region.

Having gained experience, confidence and a view to chasing their dreams, Nicky and Glenda have left TomorrowToday to start their own agency called eNerGy. In their own words, “So what is eNerGy? eNerGy are a company of Professional Agents who provide companies with a comprehensive list of services in the context of their events, functions and human development needs. This includes, speakers, trainers, consultants, venues, etc.”
Of course, as part of their new venture, they will continue to let organisations all over the wider Cape Region know just how TomorrowToday can add value to their business. If you’d like to make contact with eNerGy, they can be mailed on [email protected] and [email protected]. We wish them well as the next chapter of their journey unfolds.

Presentations and Presenters:


TomorrowToday is a world-class provider of multimedia-driven, edutaining, strategic keynote presentations. Our team of keynote presenters and consulting futurists are consistently rated as the top presenters at industry events, conferences and strategy sessions. Let one of us be the highlight at your next event! Use one of our proven frameworks, or let us work with you to customise for your specific requirements. Our strategic insights have assisted hundreds of clients to understand tomorrow, and apply that understanding today.

In last month’s e-zine, we listed all of our keynote presentations. Unfortunately, due to a glitch on our side, we listed the incorrect presenters next to each presentation. We’re not going to repeat the full list in this e-zine, but if you’re interested in what we do, and who does it, please go to http://www.tomorrowtoday.biz/presentations/keynote-presentations.html

© TomorrowToday.Biz 2007

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