:: Featured Articles in October

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AloysiasMaimaneThe War for Black Talent
One of TomorrowToday’s bright young stars, Aloysias Maimane, helps us to understand some of the unique drivers and motivators of young, black talent. His insights will assist those who are battling to attract and retain these “black diamonds.�
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KeithCoatsThe Attitude and Action of Authentic Leadership
In this thought-provoking article, Keith cuts across many of the myths of modern leadership to suggest one attitude and one action that truly authentic and savvy leaders need to take more seriously than they do. He is concerned that chasing after the leadership “gurus� is part of the reason that there is a global leadership crisis, and suggests that humbly embarking on a journey may be the best response by those leaders that want to go the distance.
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AidenCholesFacing up to problems and their solutions
In this article, Aiden deals with the complex issue of change management, convincingly showing why many of today’s interventions fail. He provides a new starting point, using Organisational Narrative Mapping as a mechanism for profound change. Click here to read the rest of this article
GraemeCodringtonWinning the Talent War
In his article, Graeme looks at 6 key things a company can do to create an attractive environment for attracting, retaining and motivating talented young people. This article is based on the presentation of the same name by TomorrowToday.biz’s strategic talent team.
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JohnMaxwellA is for Apple, BEE is for Business (part 1)
In the first of a three part series, John Maxwell, co-founder and administrator of an exciting new venture, the Nkomazi Community Trust, looks at various responses to Black Economic Empowerment strategies in South Africa. He offers a broad introduction to the current BEE landscape, and suggests that companies have a responsibility to societal development and change.
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JustinCohenWhy People Don’t Achieve Their Goals?
One of TomorrowToday’s close friends and associates and South Africa’s top practitioner of the psychology of success and motivation, Justin Cohen, provides us with some reasons why people don’t achieve their goals. He goes on to make some concrete and practical suggestions for changing this situation, setting and achieving goals.
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JackieRonsonCan one size fit all – on the internet?
Jackie Ronson, Managing Director of TomorrowToday in the UK & Europe, uses a recent client case study to illustrate the improvement in online sales that can be achieved from ensuring each customer group (or generation) is catered for on your website. One size can fit all – but only if you understand your customers.
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    Finally, after years of our clients asking us to convert our presentations into skills-based, practical-focused modules, we have been able to partner with some talented trainers, and start a Training Company. As a joint-venture with iEti, TomorrowTraining offers a wide range of innovative learning interventions, designed to ensure that attitudes are changed, behaviours learnt and skills honed for effectiveness and sustained success. For more information, see http://www.tomorrowtraining.biz.

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