visionI have said previously that words are not innocent (see Taking a step back …). What I mean by this is that words are not flippant indicators of meaning – they are value laden and play huge roles in the way we see our world. This is especially true of our workplaces. There are buzzwords that reflect the culture of the workplace that shape people’s thinking and doing – they tell us what counts and what does not count.
Change, change, change – it’s everywhere!

When it comes to the workplace, change is a necessary precursor to progress. Progress and improvement are two values that change embodies, and so it is a logical option to make progress and to improve results. And so change then becomes inevitable. John F. Kennedy is quoted as saying “Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future�.
And so change attains “truth� status as a fact of life. The problem here is that as a “truth� there are those who embrace change and there are those who do not. Fortunately for those who embrace it, life rewards you. But for those who do not, you are left as a stumbling block to progress and improvement – inevitably your lot in life diminishes.
So, is it a problem of concern that change can become exclusive and oppressive?
Do we resign ourselves to the “truth� that there are those who will and those that won’t?
How can we approach change so that it becomes a more inclusive movement?
What can we do to provide people with options regarding the role change plays in their lives?
How do we connect with people who prefer to stick their heads in the sand when faced with change