BizCommunity today had an interesting report under the heading, “Internal branding values ignored“.
“A UK marketing study by Price Waterhouse Coopers shows that less than a third of senior managers believe their companies’ external values are matched by its internal values. There is nothing more destructive to brands than for customers’ expectations to be disappointed and this misalignment is creating a massive threat to companies and destroying customer loyalty.
“Terry Behan, MD of The Fearless Executive and a specialist in the field of brand success, says: ‘Companies spend millions on building a brand only to disable it by neglecting to communicate with their employees on what the brand stands for and how to deliver it to its customers. Without ongoing brand integration, the promises made to customers are fundamentally not achievable. As we move into an experience driven market, bridging the divide between what a brand says and what a brand does is key to the protection of market share and growth.’ ”
This is one a key pillar of the connection economy – that internal and external values are fundamentally aligned.
“Behan says few companies get this right because of the silo mentality within company departments, management’s resistance to change and a lack of know-how in the basics of branding at the operational level. These shortcomings are universal and not peculiar to any one industry. However it is a sobering thought that brands that do get it right out-perform their competition by a ratio of three to one.”