AuditoriumThere is a rumbling in the blogosphere… Blog Business Summit 2005 officially kicked off yesterday in San Francisco, attracting some of the world’s finest writers, web guru’s, uber-geeks and a horde of eager-to-learn companies to hear leading blogging experts share their knowledge.
Business Blog Consulting has most of it’s regular contributors (a who’s who collection of professional bloggers around the globe) attending the Summit, and naturally, all of them have something to say about it on the blog.
Here are some mouth-watering excerpts:

From Dave Taylor‘s Business Blogging 101:
“The future of business is findability.”
“The difference between a website and a blog is managing a site versus managing the content.”
From Evelyn Rodriguez‘s How to listen to the Blogosphere:
“[the blogosphere is] the public marketplace, the place where ideas are exchanged…”
“[we should move] from monitoring the Blogosphere to listening (to it)”
From Bob Wyman of PubSub:
“For the first time you have an open, trackable conversation.”

Debbie Weil
explains – “In other words the babble of the blogosphere can be analyzed. If you (a company) listen carefully, you will learn what people are talking about, what they’re interested in and what they want to hear about. And then YOU will know what to write about, rather than issuing a press release once a month because you think you should.”
These are just some examples from my intial scans – there’ll be more to come so spend some time @ Business Blog Consulting, and at the Blog Business Summit site – they’re documenting all the talks.

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