For a while now, we’ve been talking about going “beyond the hype” of social media (see an article I wrote about this, and our presentation/workshop of the same name). Our argument is that the concepts behind social media will shape the world of work in profound ways. Collaboration, sharing for mutual benefit (and limited, if any, financial reward), real-time feedback loops, relationship without obligation, location based connections, crowdsourcing and getting the minds of many to work for you – these are the types of concepts that will shape the new world of work in the next decade. The fact that social media can help us communicate better is just the (obvious) starting point.

It’s one thing to say this. It’s another thing, of course, when it comes to one’s own industry. And that is what has now happened to me. I spend a lot of my time speaking at conferences, strategy sessions and staff events. And now audiences can use to rate every performance, every talk, on both content and delivery – and do it real time.

SpeakerRate is a community site that is aimed at event organisers, attendees and speakers. Event attendees can provide constructive feedback for the speakers they’ve heard as well as track the talks they’ve attended and research upcoming talks. Speakers can get constructive feedback directly – and immediately – from attendees and find out how they can improve their content and delivery for next time. They can also establish a SpeakerRating, which will help them grow their reputation. Organisers can research and choose the best speakers and presentations for their next event. It is being developed by Pointless Corp., a sandbox at Virginia-based Viget Labs.

I think it’s fantastic, and have signed up already (so, why not go and rate me?).

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