Graeme Codrington
- Futurist, Board advisor, author and speaker
- Expert on the future world of work and disruptive change
- Speaks in more than 25 countries to over 100,000 people every year
Areas of expertise
Because Graeme’s background and experience are rich and varied, from articles at KPMG to an IT startup, and from work in the non-profit sector to professional speaking, he has seen many different ways to succeed – and fail – in this changing world we live in. In addition to practical experience, he has spent many hours in research, with five degrees and four best selling books to show for it.
The work our research team and colleagues at TomorrowToday do, provides strategic insights for businesses and leaders across multiple sectors and industries all around the world. Graeme is particularly interested in disruptive change and how leaders can confidently guide their organisations into an uncertain future.
Graeme’s delivery style as a presenter can be described as a conversational style, laced with a gently rebuking humour and liberally sprinkled with multimedia and inspiring stories that make the messages stick. In addition it is very important to him to think beyond the platform, and he works hard with clients to find ways to ensure value is taken back to the office and makes a real impact on business outcomes.
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What makes Graeme different to other speakers in his field?
Three key things:
- In depth research and analysis, backed up by constant engagement with clients at the cutting edge of change and adaptation;
- Vast international experience gained from working in over 50 countries, presenting to more than 2,000 audiences in the last decade and an ability to bring this experience alive by adapting our presentations and advice to each new context; and
- A unique delivery style.