What Bill Gates says about the New World of Work
This is an excerpt taken from Microsoft Organisation's executive emails and covers Bill Gate's thoughts on the new world of work ( #newworldofwork ) Over the past decade, software has evolved to build bridges between disconnected islands of information and give people...
6 Most Brilliant Leadership Strategies
Last month Geoffrey James provided me with the rare honour of guest posting my 5 Most Dimwitted Leadership Strategies on BNET's Sales Machine. Geoffrey is a prolific writer with a highly provocative and cynical nature reflected in his outspoken readers. Today's post...
Africa’s mineral wealth – The most important development opportunity of the next two decades
Originally published on our South African company blog in August 2010, and updated here in March 2011 One of my personal passions is trying to work out how developing countries, especially in my home continent of Africa, can help their people out of debilitating...
Business must get serious about mentoring
According to the article "Winning the race for talent in emerging markets" - by Douglas A. Ready, Linda A. Hill, and Jay A. Conger (HBR), developing world countries have a large shortage of adequately experienced people from lower to middle management upwards. Often I...
An interview on the Internet of Things
A journalist recently interviewed me on the topic of "the Internet of Things" (IoT). I thought you might be interested in some of the questions and answers. The IoT is definitely going to be one of the biggest trends in technology in the next decade. How would you...
FaceBook's fastest growing continent is Africa
MemeBurn is one of my regular 'watering holes' for information I find interesting. They featured a post today detailing Africa's rise on FaceBook (Africa is the fastest growing Facebook continent) Last year I posted 'FaceBook’s new Mobile Site' which is...
FaceBook’s fastest growing continent is Africa
MemeBurn is one of my regular 'watering holes' for information I find interesting. They featured a post today detailing Africa's rise on FaceBook (Africa is the fastest growing Facebook continent) Last year I posted 'FaceBook’s new Mobile Site' which is...
5 Minds for the Future – A Summary
This post was first published on Pete Laburn's blog in Feb 2011 In his book, ‘5 Minds for the Future’ (buy it now at Amazon.co.uk and Kalahari.net) Howard Gardner concerns himself with the kinds of minds that people will need if we are to thrive in the world during...
How to prepare for the Connected Generation’s transformation of the consumer and business landscape
One of the questions I'm often asked is "what comes after Generation X & Y" Well thankfully it's not Generation Z (Although there are references to a "Z" generation) it's GENERATION C. A generation of people who have grown up connected, communicating,...
Where is the line between media and reality?
I read an article this week, 'At 50, Ken is Sexy Again', from Time. It reminded me of my fascination with Barbie since I was at university doing gender studies. As a child I wanted a Barbie and thought of her as a fashion icon, like most little girls. As an adolescent...
Battling cultural imperialism (a critical issue in the new world of work)
I was both amused and amazed to see this tweet a day or so ago: When will China become civilised? Chinese court confirms sentence on US man http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-pacific-12502111 The news report referred to is about a Chinese-born American citizen, Xue...
Battling cultural imperialism (a critical issue in the new world of work)
I was both amused and amazed to see this tweet a day or so ago: When will China become civilised? Chinese court confirms sentence on US man http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-pacific-12502111 The news report referred to is about a Chinese-born American citizen, Xue...
Cross-Fertilizing Ideas in a Fact Based World View
I'm becoming obsessed with cross-fertilizing brilliant ideas. There are so many clever ideas, concepts, solutions and people in our magnificent world but on their own they seem to yield very little impact. In order to solve the complex, persistent problems of today...
A Question of Trust?
"Trust men and they will be true to you; treat them greatly, and they will show themselves great" Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803 - 1882) I love Penelope Trunk’s blogs at the Brazen Careerist. They contain great thoughts and advice about business and life, but most of all...
Fox or Hedgehog? How you think will shape your future.
In 1953, well before the information revolution seized the planet, philosopher Isaiah Berlin divided thinkers into two basic categories: the fox and the hedgehog. The difference is that hedgehogs know ‘one big thing’ whilst foxes know ‘many things’. A hedgehog will...
What will today's children do for work in 2022?
Recently I was invited onto 702 to be interviewed by Redi Tlhabi on her show. The subject of conversation, as per this post's title was what today's children might be doing in 2022 for work. The show was recorded under Redi's PodCast 'The Best of Redi Tlhabi'. If...
What will today’s children do for work in 2022?
Recently I was invited onto 702 to be interviewed by Redi Tlhabi on her show. The subject of conversation, as per this post's title was what today's children might be doing in 2022 for work. The show was recorded under Redi's PodCast 'The Best of Redi Tlhabi'. If...
Is this the Arab World’s “1989”?
The world changed forever, in the space of just a few months, in 1989. Decades of unrest and uncertainty burst into action around the world. In a few short months the world had changed - political, economic, social, cultural, corporate and private spheres dramatically...
Rides the Tides: Five disruptive forces shaping the future of the speaking industry
I am one of the co-founders of TomorrowToday, an international strategy consulting company. We track the trends that are shaping the new world of work, and help our clients understand the strategic implications for their people: leadership, teams, talent, customers,...
Ride the Tides: Five disruptive forces shaping the future of the speaking industry
I am one of the co-founders of TomorrowToday, an international strategy consulting company. We track the trends that are shaping the new world of work, and help our clients understand the strategic implications for their people: leadership, teams, talent, customers,...